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Squint Eye Treatment in Alwarpet, Chennai

Are you disturbed with people calling you a squint? Is this condition affecting your physical as well as mental health? Well, no more worries. Squint can be treated. It can be noticed at an early age and treated at the earliest.

Squint, also called strabismus/crossed eye or walleye, is a medical condition in which both eyes do not line up together. In this condition, the patient is unable to look at the point at the same time. This condition can be diagnosed at an early stage.

In a person having squint eyes, the eyes muscles do not work properly and also do not work in coordination. Due to this improper function of the eye muscles, the eyes seem to be misaligned, and it appears that the person is looking in two different directions. In this condition, the brain cannot merge what both the eyes see at the same time as in a normal person.

Squint, if left untreated, can lead to severe or permanent problems in the vision. This condition can lower down the self-esteem and confidence of the person suffering from it. It not only affects the outer appearance of the person but also hampers the ability to see.

Types of Squint

Based on the direction of the squint:

  • Esotropia
  • Exotropia
  • Hypertropia
  • Hypotropia

Based on the consistency of the squint:

  • Constant squint
  • Intermittent squint

Based on the severity of the squint:

  • Concomitant squint
  • Incomitant squint

Based on the age of onset:

  • Childhood squint
  • Adult squint

Symptoms of Squint

The most common symptoms associated with squint are the following:

  • Amblyopia: A condition in which the squint progresses to a stage where the brain refuses to interpret the signal from the eyes, also called lazy eyes.
  • Eyes point in different directions, and the effect can be seen in either single or both eyes.
  • Childhood squint is accompanied by the double visual or confused perception of objects.
  • One might experience defective vision.
  • Sudden walking in sunlight can cause blurring of vision.

Causes of Squint

Having deflected eye vision can be because of multiple reasons. The most common ones are listed here:

  • Inherited from the genetic matchup of either of the parents.
  • Accidental damage to the eyes or the surrounding attachments to the eyeball.
  • The muscles of the orbit are weak and fail to project vision in the right direction.
  • Nervous system defect affecting the nerve supply to eyes mainly causing injury to oculomotor and ophthalmic nerves.
  • Other related eye defects, including myopia and hypermetropia, can often lead to long-term effects of strabismus.
  • Viral infections, including measles, can lead to squinting in some cases.

When to See a Doctor

There is no fixed age to see a doctor; it entirely depends upon the onset of symptoms. As soon as you notice any unusual changes in your child's eyesight, you must visit the nearest ophthalmologist.

Request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Alwarpet, Chennai

Call 1860 500 2244 to book an appointment.

Risk Factors Associated with Squint

Squint is mostly observed in hereditary conditions, but some associated risk factors can potentially harm the eyes, leading to squint. Some of them include viral infection, accidental injury to the head, accumulation of fluid in the head and orbital region leading to compression of nerves in the area.

Complications of Squint

If not treated on time or at the start of the condition, it might lead to permanent consequences. The complications might include blurred vision, confusion, and loss of eyesight as well in some cases.

Treatment of Squint

The treatment of squint can be done both by conservative or surgical approach. The entire treatment plan is governed by the cause and the severity of the condition.

Conservative treatment: Using appropriate spectacles to treat underlying conditions like myopia or using antiviral drugs to treat viral infections.

Surgical treatment: Surgical detachment of the muscles from their point of origin and reattaching them helps improve the strength of muscles and their functionality.

Exercises: The medical condition associated with the weakening of eye muscles can be corrected with strengthening exercises, out of which Home-based pencil pushups (HBPP) being the most effective ones.


Developing a visual condition with deflected vision can occur for multiple reasons, but ignoring it for a long time can be fatal. Getting in touch with an ophthalmologist can be helpful in such cases for faster and better recovery.

When is the right age for the treatment of squint?

There is no definite age for the treatment of squint; one must visit the doctor as soon as one notices any such symptoms.

Is surgery the only option?

There are conservative treatment options, but if the case is way too complicated, you might need to go for surgery.

Is patch therapy successful?

Yes, it is a successful treatment option for squint patients to strengthen their muscles and improve their function.


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