Obesity is one of the most complex diseases in the world. Four out of five young adults suffer from obesity. Bariatrics is a branch of surgery that deals with the causes and treatment of obesity. However, a bariatric surgery is not recommended in all cases. Let us know more about this surgery.
About Bariatrics
The field of Bariatrics focuses on curing obesity. A bariatric surgery includes different weight-loss surgeries like gastric bypass surgery, vertical sleeve gastrectomy, etc. In most surgeries, the digestive system is modified to make weight loss easier. The doctors also try to improve the metabolism of the patient using various medications.
Who Qualifies for Bariatric Surgeries
Bariatric surgery is not suitable for every obese person. It is recommended only to those patients who fail to lose weight by exercising and dieting. Your BMI (Body Mass Index) must be equal to or more than forty to qualify for the procedure. In certain critical cases, a patient with a BMI of more than thirty can also be eligible for particular weight-loss surgeries.
Before the procedure, the patients need to undergo a series of tests. Their diet, lifestyle, etc., are monitored closely. A bariatric surgery is a costly surgery; hence patients should search for health insurance that can help in covering the expenses.
Why Are Bariatric Surgeries Conducted
Bariatric surgeries are not always the first choice but it is a great way to lose weight. Your doctor might suggest bariatric surgery in the following cases:
- Increased BMI
- Type two-diabetes
- Hypertension
- High blood pressure
- Heart diseases and blockage
- Non-alcoholic fatty liver
- Sleeping disorders like sleep apnea
- Non-alcoholic statohepatisis
- Problem in joints
Bariatric surgery is also used to prevent life-threatening diseases and the worsening of other severe conditions.
Different Types of Bariatric Surgeries
There are three different types of Bariatric surgeries-
- Sleeve gastrectomy (or vertical sleeve gastrectomy) - In this procedure, minor cuts are made in the upper abdomen, and tiny instruments are inserted through these incisions. A significant part of the stomach is removed, leaving only twenty per cent tube-shaped stomach behind. This procedure limits your portion size as well as affects the hormones that cause overweight. It is a safe procedure and performed laparoscopically.
- Gastric bypass (also known as roux-en-y) - In a gastric bypass, small pouches are created from the stomach. These pouches are directly connected with the small intestine. The food, when enters the stomach, bypasses the stomach and the initial part of the small intestine.
- Biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch (BPD/DS) - It is a two-step procedure. The first half is vertical sleeve gastronomy, where eighty percent of the stomach is removed. In the second phase of the operation, the last part of the intestine is connected with the duodenum. In BPD/DS the body consumes less food and decreases the absorption of other nutrients. It is performed in extremely rare cases where the BMI is more than fifty. The possible risks include nutrients deficiency, malnutrition, ulcers, vomiting, weakness, etc.
Benefits of Bariatric Surgeries
Other than helping reducing weight, a bariatric surgery also:
- Decreases the chances of heart diseases
- Treats type two diabetes
- Reduces the chance of miscarriage and improves fertility
- Gives relief from joint pains like osteoarthritis
- Improves your metabolism
- Eliminates depression because of the unwanted fat and poor body image
- Cures sleep apnea
- Improves quality of life
Risks of Bariatric Surgeries
Bariatric surgeries are complicated surgeries. They are successful in almost all the cases but there are a few postoperative risk factors:
- Infection in stomach
- Malnutrition
- Nausea
- Ulcers
- Hernia
- Hypoglycemia (lowered blood sugar)
- Internal bleeding (mainly in the intestine)
- Gallstones
- Injury in organs and spleen
- Failure of surgery
Request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Alwarpet, Chennai
Call 1860 500 2244 to book an appointment.
After the operation, give some time to your stomach to heal and approve the new changes. Keep your diet restricted to liquids and take medicines on time.
Your doctor will guide you about the required type of surgery after identifying the severity of your condition
You might have to stay in the hospital for three to four days, depending on the rate of recovery. The actual operation takes several hours.
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