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Circumcision Surgery in Alwarpet, Chennai

Circumcision is a surgical procedure involving the removal of the foreskin from the penis. It is usually performed in babies within the first week after birth; however, adult circumcision is also performed, though it is not very common. Circumcision has several health benefits, including lowering the risks of urinary tract infections. Visit a urology hospital near you and get your baby circumcised by the best urologist near you

What is circumcision? 

Circumcision is the removal of the foreskin that covers the glans of the penis (tip of the penis). It is the most common surgical procedure that is performed worldwide in around a third of the total male population. Male babies are born with foreskin (part of the skin covering the tip of the penis) that is completely attached to the penis. Usually, circumcision is performed shortly after birth. It is performed in many countries of the world for both religious, medical and personal reasons.  

When do you need to see a doctor for circumcision?  

Take your infant boys to urology doctors near you. Urology in Chennai has the best urology hospital in Alwarpet. Urology specialists in Chennai also perform circumcision surgery for male adults.  

Request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Alwarpet, Chennai.

Call 1860 500 2244 to book an appointment.

What are the risks?

There are no severe risks associated with circumcision. It is rare for anyone to have any complications post circumcision. Mild bleeding is common and can be treated easily. Make sure that your doctor is aware of your family medical history. Circumcision is not advised for babies with hereditary blood clotting disorders or physical abnormalities. Other common risks of circumcision are:  

  • Bleeding 
  • Allergic anesthetic reaction 
  • Pain
  • Infection
  • Discomfort and irritation
  • Inflammation at the opening of the penis (Meatitis).

What are the benefits of circumcision? 

There are several health benefits of circumcision. A circumcised penis lowers the risk of the following conditions and diseases: 

  • Urinary tract infections (UTI) 
  • Penile cancer  
  • Cervical cancer in sexual partners
  • Sexually transmitted diseases like HIV 

 Apart from these, it is easier for a circumcised man to maintain hygiene. Circumcision has no relation to fertility. It does not affect fertility nor does it decrease or increase sexual pleasure of both partners. 

How is circumcision performed? 

Circumcision is performed by either using a topical/local anesthetic agent or a general anesthesia block. The complete procedure takes around 20 minutes or less. The baby is made to lie on his back, with arms and legs restrained to avoid flailing during the procedure. The doctor then cleans the penis and the foreskin. Topical anesthesia or injectable anesthesia is delivered to the penis to numb the area. The doctor then separates the foreskin from the head of the penis using a scalpel and immediately applies an ointment, and wraps the wound with gauze.  

For adults, the surgery may take a little longer.  


Circumcision of baby boys is a common surgical procedure. It has several health benefits for your child, like making it easier to maintain hygiene and reducing risks of urinary tract infections and sexually transmitted diseases among men. Consult the best department of urology near you or a urologist in Chennai. 

How long does it take for the body to heal and recover after circumcision?

The body usually takes 8 to 10 to completely heal. The penis may appear red and swollen during this healing phase, but you need not worry about it. However, if the condition continues beyond 10 days, you need to consult your doctor.

What precautions are to be taken post circumcision?

Post circumcision, keep the area clean by gently wiping it. For your baby boy, make sure you apply Vaseline on each diaper so that the wound does not stick to the diaper and cause him pain. Administer the pain relievers prescribed by your doctor.

What are the signs of non-healing surgical wounds of the penis?

Consult your doctor immediately if you notice any of these signs: Frequent bleeding or continuous bleeding at the surgical site Foul odor from the surgical site If urination is not resumed within 12 hours post circumcision


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