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Tonsillectomy Surgery in Alwarpet, Chennai

Tonsillectomy is a surgical procedure performed to treat inflammation and infection in the tonsils, located at the back of the throat. Tonsils are oval, small glands that are home to white blood cells, which fight infections in the body. The inflammation of these glands is known as tonsillitis.

Tonsillectomy is performed to treat:

  • Breathing issues
  • Chronic or recurring tonsillitis
  • Bleeding of blood vessels in and around tonsils
  • Complications of enlarged tonsils

Tonsillectomy treatment in Alwarpet, Chennai provides options for a tonsil infection. After the surgery, the chances of throat infections get reduced. 

What do we need to know about tonsillectomy?

The surgery is undertaken after administering general anesthesia. It takes approximately 30 minutes to 1 hour to perform the complete procedure. Depending on the severity of the infection or tonsil inflammation, there can be partial or complete (both the tonsils) removal. 

After the surgery, the doctor and nurses will monitor your blood pressure. Antibiotics are given after the surgery to reduce bacterial and other infections. You will be kept under observation for a day to check if there is an infection or bleeding in the surgical area. Most people get discharged after a day. 

Who qualifies for tonsillectomy? When do you need to see a doctor?

Cases of tonsillectomy occur more in children than in adults. The surgery is an option for people suffering very often from tonsillitis or strep throat. 

Talk to your ENT specialist (otolaryngologist) about tonsillectomy as a treatment option if you have suffered from seven cases of tonsillitis or strep throat in a year or five cases and more of each in the last two years.

Removing tonsils also treat other medical problems such as:

  • Sleep apnea caused due to tonsil infection
  • Frequent snoring
  • Cancer of tonsils
  • Bleeding of tonsils

Request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Alwarpet, Chennai.

Call 1860 500 2244 to book an appointment.

Why is tonsillectomy conducted?

Tonsillectomy is conducted to reduce the risk of complications that may arise due to inflammation of the tonsils. Tonsils become enlarged after recurring infections, therefore tonsillectomy is a recommended option to avoid complication such as:

  • Difficulting in breathing due to swollen tonsils
  • Disrupted breathing while asleep

What are the different types of tonsillectomy?

Tonsillectomy doctors in Chennai and other parts of India follow different techniques for the surgical removal of tonsils. They include:

  • Cold-knife dissection - In this method, the tonsils are removed using a scalpel and the bleeding is stopped by sutures. 
  • Electrocautery - Tissues are burned to remove tonsils through a process called cauterization. A direct or alternating current is passed through a metal electrode, which generates heat. The electrode is then applied to the tonsil tissue to destroy tissues. This method minimizes blood loss by sealing off the blood vessels with heat.
  • Harmonic scalpel - Harmonic scalpel is a surgical instrument to cut and burn tissues. During the procedure, the scalpel uses ultrasonic vibrations (sound waves) to cut the tonsils and make the vessels stop bleeding. 
  • Several methods like radiofrequency ablation and carbon dioxide lasers are used for tonsil reduction. 

What are the benefits of tonsillectomy?

Infection in the tonsils leads to difficulty in swallowing, speaking and constant pain at the back of the throat. Removing tonsils can help relieve the pain and frequent infections in the throat. 

Some benefits of tonsillectomy include:

  • Reduced need for medications - You will need less antibiotics, which in turn will reduce the resistance of good bacteria to infection-fighting pathogens. 
  • Better quality of life - Tonsillitis and other infections lead to uncomfortable symptoms. Removal of tonsils will reduce the number of infections and sore throat, which will help you improve your quality of life. 
  • Fewer infections
  • Improved sleep - When a tonsil becomes enlarged, it causes difficulty in breathing leading to disrupted sleep. With tonsillectomy, sleep-related problems can be resolved.

What are the risks?

Tonsillectomy is a routine procedure and does not pose serious risks. Some post-surgery risks can include:

  • Reaction to anesthesia - After the surgery, when the effect of anesthesia wears off, short-term problems like nausea, headache and muscle soreness can occur.
  • Swelling - Tongue and surrounding areas might feel swollen after a few hours of surgery that may lead to difficulty in breathing.
  • Bleeding - In some rare cases, there can be a heavy loss of blood during surgery, which leads to longer stay at the hospital. 
  • Infection - The surgical area can get infected after the procedure. Antibiotics help in avoiding such infections. 


After the surgery, pay attention to intake of food and fluids. Fluids help in keeping the body hydrated and are easy to gulp down. Pain medications should be taken as prescribed, as the pain can worsen after a few days. Contact your doctor in case of bleeding from your mouth, fever and uncontrollable pain.

What are the dietary restrictions after tonsillectomy?

Fluids and soft foods need to be taken during the initial weeks after surgery. Spicy foods are to be avoided. Recommended items include ice cream, yogurt, broth, smoothies, scrambled eggs, etc.

Are there any incisions made during the surgery?

There are no incisions made during tonsillectomy. The tonsils are cauterized, which means the blood vessels are sealed with heat.

What is the recovery time after tonsillectomy?

After the surgery, recovery time spans 10 days. There is a risk of bleeding if proper dietary restrictions are not followed for the first couple of weeks after surgery.


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