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Piles Surgery & Procedure

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Piles Surgery Procedure Treatment & Diagnostics in Chembur, Mumbai

An Overview of Piles Surgery Procedure

Piles, also referred to as hemorrhoids, are swollen veins that develop either on the lining of the anus (internal hemorrhoids) or around the lower rectum/anus (external hemorrhoids). When these anal or rectal tissues are swollen or get damaged, it may result in bleeding and pain. 

For some people, a healthy diet, a better lifestyle, and oral medicines aren't enough to treat hemorrhoids. A surgery thus is a better and long-term option, especially if hemorrhoids are painful or bleeding.

New and modern techniques allow patients to return to normal life within a short period. Newer techniques also ensure fewer post-operative complications. There are three main surgical procedures to treat piles:

  1. Haemorrhoidectomy
  2. Stapling
  3. Hemorrhoidal Artery Ligation and Recto Anal Repair (HAL-RAR)

A Brief on Types of Piles Surgery Procedure

Your doctor will determine which type of Piles Surgery procedure is the best for you, depending on your condition.

  1. Haemorrhoidectomy
    The process to cut out and remove hemorrhoids is called hemorrhoidectomy. In the process, you may either be administered general anesthesia (wherein you are sedated) or local anesthesia (wherein only the site of operation is numb while you are awake). A surgeon will open the anus, make tiny cuts around it, and slice away the hemorrhoids. Haemorrhoidectomy takes about 2 weeks to recover. In certain cases, recovery can take as long as 4 to 6 weeks.
  2. Stapling
    Stapling, also called stapled haemorrhoidopexy, is a procedure that helps in treating internal hemorrhoids. It is generally used for the treatment of hemorrhoids that have grown large, or prolapsed (a condition when hemorrhoids are dropping out of the anus). The procedure involves using anesthesia and further stapling of the last section of the large intestine. Doing so decreases the blood supply to the hemorrhoids, causing them to shrink gradually. The recovery time in Stapling is much faster than Haemorrhoidectomy and you can return to work within a week. The procedure of Stapling also ensures less post-operative pain.
  3. Hemorrhoidal Artery Ligation and Recto Anal Repair (HAL-RAR)
    HAL-RAR is a modern procedure that aims to limit blood supply to hemorrhoids. The procedure uses a miniature Doppler sensor (or an ultrasound probe) which is inserted in the anus to locate the arteries that supply blood to hemorrhoids. Once spotted, they are tied off or stitched to block the blood flow, which causes the hemorrhoids to shrink within weeks, and become unnoticeable in due course of time. The procedure is more effective, virtually painless, and has a faster recovery time.

Who Must Consider Piles Surgery and When?

Your doctor will decide if you need piles or hemorrhoid removal surgery. However, if you have the following conditions, you may qualify for the procedure:

  • You suffer from both internal and external hemorrhoids.
  • You have a lot of pain and a significant amount of bleeding from your hemorrhoids.
  • You have hemorrhoids with blood clots and they keep relapsing after less invasive treatments.
  • You have prolapsed internal hemorrhoids of Grade 3 and 4. Grade 3 is a stage when you can manually push back a hemorrhoid through your anus. A grade 4 hemorrhoid prolapse cannot be put back at all.
  • You suffer from other ailments of the anus and/or rectum that require surgery.
  • You have the case of strangulated internal hemorrhoids. This typically occurs when the anal sphincter (a group of muscles that surrounds the anus and controls the passage of stool, thereby maintaining continence) traps hemorrhoids, resulting in lesser or no blood supply to the tissue.

Why is Piles Surgery Conducted?

If not treated in time, Piles can lead to other complications. External hemorrhoids may develop into thrombosed hemorrhoids which are painful blood clots. Internal hemorrhoids may prolapse. These external or internal hemorrhoids can lead to substantial irritation or infection thus requiring urgent surgery.

Benefits of Piles Surgery

The patients who undergo surgical procedures to remove piles report high levels of satisfaction, relief in pain, bleeding, and itching.

Complications Associated with Piles Surgery

Hemorrhoidectomy and other invasive procedures are effective and even a permanent fix to piles. But one must be wary of complications associated with it. The complications though are rare and not usually serious. These include:

  • Reaction to anesthesia
  • Severe bleeding
  • Infection
  • Mild fever
  • Difficulty in passing urine
  • Constipation for over 3 days, even after consuming laxatives (type of medicine that facilitate bowel movement)
  • Small painful tears that can last for several months
  • Narrowing of the anus, due to scar in the tissues
  • Damaged sphincter muscles, which can lead to incontinence


Piles surgery involves safe procedures and is the last resort for patients who have already tried all other non-surgical treatments. Mostly, full recovery is possible within 1 to 3 weeks and serious complications are rare. If you too are suffering from hemorrhoid pain, swellings, and itching near the anus,

You can request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Chembur, Mumbai.

Call 1860 500 2244 to book an appointment.

Who Must Consider Piles Surgery and When?

Your doctor will decide if you need piles or hemorrhoid removal surgery.


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