apollo spectra

Hearing Loss

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Hearing Loss Treatment in Chembur, Mumbai

Hearing loss is a common condition and affects many people as they age. It can be a result of damage to parts of the ear.

Other causes of hearing loss can be exposure to loud noises and excessive ear wax. It can be partial or complete.

What is hearing loss?

People experience loss in hearing when they cannot hear as well as they used to. It affects many people and can be of different types depending on the part where the damage occurs.

It can affect one or both ears. There are many procedures, and there are hearing aids as well that can help.

To know more, contact an ENT specialist near you or visit an ENT hospital near you.

What are the types of hearing loss?

  • Conductive: It involves the outer or middle ear. It can affect the ability to hear soft or muffled sounds.
  • Sensorineural: It involves the inner ear and can make it difficult for you to hear even sounds from nearby.
  • Mixed: It involves the combination of the above two.

What are the symptoms?

Here are a few symptoms you may observe if you experience loss of hearing:

  • Muffling of sounds
  • Constant difficulty in understanding words against background noise
  • Needing to turn up the volume of television or music
  • Ringing in the ear
  • Having to ask people to talk loudly
  • Ear pain with difficulty in hearing

What causes hearing loss?

There are many causes of hearing loss. Some common ones are as follows:

  • Damage to the inner ear: Loud noise can damage the nerve cells of the cochlea. It causes difficulty in sending signals to the brain and leads to hearing problems.
  • Ear infection: It can cause a fluid buildup in the middle ear causing temporary loss of hearing. But if you do not take care of such infections, they can lead to significant issues.
  • Perforation in the eardrum: Sudden loud noises, exposure to sharp objects and infections can damage the eardrum.
  • The buildup of earwax: When earwax builds up in your ear, it can cause hearing problems or can lead to loss in hearing. Removal of earwax can help you hear clearly.

When do you need to see a doctor?

If you observe sudden loss of hearing, you may consider consulting your doctor. You could also talk to an ENT specialist near you.

You can request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Chembur, Mumbai.

Call 1860 500 2244 to book an appointment.

What are the risk factors?

Some risk factors can increase your possibility of having hearing problems. They are:

  • Aging: As you age, the inner ear structure degenerates.
  • Genetics: Some people's genetic makeup can be such that they are more likely to have hearing problems.
  • Loud noise: Exposure to loud noises can damage the inner cells of your ears, and it can cause severe hearing problems.
  • Intake of certain medicines: Certain medicines can damage the inner ear. It can be temporary or permanent.
  • Jobs where you hear loud noises: Jobs where you get exposed to loud noises regularly can also be harmful.

How can you prevent hearing loss?

  • Protecting your ears: Try to limit your usage of earphones or headphones. If your workplace is filled with loud noises, you can opt for earmuffs that protect your ears. 
  • Regular check-ups: If you think you are more susceptible to hearing problems, try to get your ears checked regularly. 

What are the treatment options?

  • Removal
    of Earwax You can get rid of earwax with the help of suctions. 
  • Hearing Aids
    If your hearing loss is because of inner ear damage, a hearing aid can help you. There are many types of hearing aids. Talk to your audiologist to understand which is best for you. 
  • Cochlear Implants
    If your hearing loss is of a severe degree, you can get relief with the help of cochlear implants. It directly stimulates the hearing nerves, unlike a hearing aid that magnifies sound. 


Hearing loss can be both temporary and permanent. If you are experiencing pain or any other issues in your ears, talk to your doctor about it. You can recover with the help of surgery or other treatment options that the doctor finds adequate. It is essential to remember that with the support of family and friends, things get easier.  

Can you have hearing loss in one ear?

Yes, it is called unilateral hearing loss. You can still hear perfectly with the other ear.

Do hearing problems worsen with time?

When you ignore your hearing problems, they can get worse with time. Age-related hearing problems are also progressive.

How long do hearing aids last?

Hearing aids can last from three to seven years. They can last more than that as well. It depends a lot on the build of the instrument and how you take care of it.


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