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Deep Vein Thrombosis

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Deep Vein Thrombosis Treatment in Chembur, Mumbai

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a condition that occurs when there is a blood clot in any of the deep veins of the body. 

What do we need to know about DVT?

It usually develops in the deep leg veins, thighs, pelvis and arms, leading to pain and swelling. DVT is usually underdiagnosed because it develops with no symptoms, and it may lead to serious illnesses when left untreated. So it is essential to seek medical attention to avoid any further risk of DVT. 

For diagnosis and treatment, you can visit any of the vascular surgery hospitals in Mumbai. Alternatively, you can search online for a vascular surgeon near me. 

What are the causes of deep vein thrombosis? 

  • A blood clot may occur if there is no movement of legs for extended durations, such as after surgery or while traveling. 
  • Vein damage may result from trauma or inflammation.
  • During pregnancy, you will probably develop pressure on the veins in your legs and the pelvis region. It may lead to a blood clot and cause DVT.
  • It may be because of severe health disorders like irritable bowel syndrome, cancer or heart diseases, and it can also occur because of inherited blood disorders. 
  • DVT may also result from smoking because it makes blood cells heavier than before, impairing your blood vessels and making it easier for clots to develop.

What are the symptoms of deep vein thrombosis?

Common symptoms of DVT include:

  • Swelling or pain can be felt in the foot, ankle and leg.
  • The pain may start in the calf, and you might feel cramps or soreness. 
  • The affected area of the skin may turn pale or reddish or bluish in color. 
  • There can be a slight difficulty in breathing or irregular heartbeat.

When do we need to consult a doctor?

Seek medical attention if you notice any of these symptoms suddenly:

  • Suddenly coughing up blood
  • Low blood pressure and severe lightheadedness
  • Shortness of breath or irregular heartbeat
  • Pain while breathing

Once you visit your surgeon, they will diagnose your condition by ordering specific tests like duplex ultrasound scan, MRI, a D-dimer blood test and venography, an X-ray of the vein. If you are diagnosed with DVT, he or she can recommend a treatment plan based on the severity of the condition. 

You can request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Chembur, Mumbai.

Call1860 500 2244 to book an appointment.

What are the complications from deep vein thrombosis?

The primary complications associated with DVT are:

  • Pulmonary embolism: It occurs when the blood clot moves to your lungs and blocks blood vessels. Apart from that, other complications include:
  • Post-thrombotic syndrome: If the blood clots are not treated for more extended periods, these may damage the veins or their valves and push them towards the heart, causing pain, swelling and discoloration of the skin.
  • Phlegmasia Cerulea Dolens (PCD): It is a severe condition where the clots build up extreme fluids in major veins and include collateral veins. If left untreated, it can kill the surrounding tissue.  

What are the treatment options for deep vein thrombosis?

The primary goal of deep vein thrombosis treatment is to prevent clots from growing and blocking clots from moving to the lungs. Treatment options include:
Blood thinners
The most common treatment option for DVT is using blood-thinning medications, also called anticoagulants. These drugs do not break the blood clots but prevent them from forming new clots. Blood thinners are administered by oral or IV injection as prescribed by your doctors. 
These are thrombolytic agents administered if you are at higher risk of developing DVT into a pulmonary embolism. These drugs break the clots and restore the blood flow. It is administered through an IV or a catheter; a tube is placed directly into the clot. Clot-busters have a higher risk than blood thinners because of bleeding problems and stroke. 
IVC Filters 
Doctors recommend this type of treatment when you have DVT with associated conditions like bleeding disorders, circulation problems, blood thinner failure or pregnancy. Filters are inserted into a vein called the inferior vena cava that runs through your belly. It helps by preventing the clots from breaking and lodging into the lungs. Further, they trap the clots before they cause pulmonary embolism. 
DVT Surgery-Venous thrombectomy
In sporadic cases, your deep vein blood clot may need to be removed. Surgeons perform the surgery by making small incisions into blood vessels to remove clots. 


Deep vein thrombosis is a preventable condition that can occur when there are blood clots in a vein deep inside the body. DVT is a common condition with myriad risk factors. It is important to detect the risks of DVT at the initial stages and start early prophylaxis to avoid serious complications. 

How do you prevent deep vein thrombosis?

To prevent DVT, maintain a healthy weight, try to walk around as soon as possible after surgery, and wear compression stockings when sitting for extended periods, get up and walk for every couple of hours and do exercises focusing on your feet and legs to allow blood flow. Follow your doctor’s instructions to avoid complications.

What type of care is necessary after DVT treatment?

After DVT treatment, the primary goal is to get better and to prevent another blood clot, so you have to take the medications as directed by your physician, and consult your doctor if your medications lead to any bleeding. Stay physically active, drink plenty of fluids and include a low-carb diet.

What is the effect of DVT on pregnant women?

As we mentioned above, there are higher chances of DVT in pregnant women. During pregnancy, the blood flow is slow because of uterus expansion and increased level of blood clotting proteins. There is still a risk of developing DVT even after giving birth.


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