Microdiscectomy Surgery in Chembur, Mumbai
Microdochectomy is a centered surgical operation that involves removing a single milk duct to manage nipple discharge. It's best for younger women who want to keep their breastfeeding abilities following the surgery.
Even though nipple discharge is usually linked with benign illnesses, if there is a lump present and the discharge is bloody, the risk of breast cancer in women with this symptom rises. According to research, 10% of individuals with breast cancer experience this symptom.
What do we need to know about microdochectomy?
Microdochectomy is a procedure used to manage nipple discharge from a single duct depending on the severity of the condition. Breast duct excision is another surgical procedure used to address chronic nipple discharge from several or all the milk ducts.
- Your doctors will explain to you what to expect throughout the process.
- Your doctor will advise you to undergo mammography, ultrasound and galactography to check whether you qualify for microdochectomy or total duct excision.
- Following informed consent, the patient will be administered anesthesia to locate the source of the nipple discharge. The doctor will insert a probe/wire into one of the ducts from the breast.
- The doctor will remove a single faulty duct after making an incision around the areola.
- The wound will be closed with absorbable sutures, and the incision is made with a sterile waterproof dressing.
To know more, you can look for microdochectomy surgery near you or microdochectomy surgery in Mumbai.
Who qualifies for the procedure? What are the symptoms?
Women experiencing nipple discharge due to the following reasons qualify for the procedure:
- A breast abscess also known as a pus-filled lump
- Duct ectasia also known as a benign non-cancerous blocked milk duct
- Galactorrhea, a term for a milky discharge in non-breastfeeding circumstances
- Cushing's syndrome, a hormonal condition also called hypercortisolism marked by excessive secretion of cortisol
- Nipple discharge caused by taking contraceptive pills and some antidepressants
Why is the procedure conducted?
A wart-like mass forms in one or more breast milk ducts and is known as an intraductal papilloma.
It's most commonly present in the nipple. However, it can also be present elsewhere in the breast.
- Intraductal papilloma is a benign breast ailment (not cancerous).
- It's most frequent in women over 40, and it usually occurs when the breast matures and changes naturally.
When do you need to see a doctor?
If you suspect or see the symptoms of an intraductal papilloma, consult a doctor.
You can request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Chembur, Mumbai.
Call 1860 500 2244 to book an appointment.
What are the benefits of microdochectomy?
The main advantage of a microdochectomy is that a patient's capacity to breastfeed is preserved. This benefit especially helps young patients who are now nursing or expecting to do so in the future.
Another benefit of breast duct excision is that the tissue excised may be examined to determine the origin of nipple discharge.
What are the risks?
- Bleeding
- Seroma
- Recurrence of symptoms
- Loss of nipple skin
- Infection
- Scarring
- Breastfeeding possible after microdochectomy but not after total duct excision
- Loss of nipple sensation
- Increased risk of chest infection
A combination of diagnostic procedures, such as mammography and breast ultrasonography, can help the doctor diagnose and develop a treatment plan. Microdochectomy is the operation of choice for nipple discharge, depending on the underlying breast disease.
The procedure is an outpatient treatment, which means you may go home on the same day. However, in rare situations, you may be required to stay in the hospital overnight.
One week following the treatment, you should resume light activities but avoid any vigorous exercise such as aerobics for a few more weeks.
Microdochectomy is a relatively safe treatment. However, it does have certain dangers and adverse effects. Loss of nipple feeling, infection, bleeding and return of symptoms are all risks. However, these are uncommon, occurring in around 2 out of every 100 women who have undergone the operation.
To support the breast and the wound during your healing, you'll need to wear a well-fitting bra. Shower after 24 hours, but refrain from bathing for at least seven days. Your doctor will provide you with recommendations on wound care, food and exercise.
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