ICL Eye Surgery in Chirag Enclave, Delhi
ICL surgery is a kind of surgery conducted to cure vision defects, mainly for patients suffering from nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism. The goal of this surgery is to implant a contact lens of required power behind your natural lens to correct the problem in the focusing power of your eyes. ICL stands for Implantable Contact/Collamer Lens.
ICL surgery in Delhi can eliminate your need of using glasses or temporary lenses due to the insertion of flexible lenses permanently within your eyes.
What is ICL surgery?
Only a qualified ICL surgery specialist near you can perform the surgery for patients who really need it. You need to go to your ophthalmologist at least 7 days before this surgery so that he/she can make a few small incisions between the front chamber of your eye and the natural lens. This action is essential to relieve the pressure created on the eye by the watery eye fluid. He/she may also prescribe antibiotic medicine and anti-inflammatory eye drops before the surgery to minimize your post-surgical problems.
You will be administered a local anesthetic just before the surgery at an ICL surgery hospital in Delhi. This anesthetic may be given in the form of an injection to the eye or an oral sedative drug so that you do not feel any pain during the surgery. The ICL surgeon will clean your eye and use a device called a lid speculum for keeping your eyelids open. Then he/she will make a tiny incision in your eye to slip in the Implantable Contact Lens while lubricating the cornea for protection. Finally, the surgeon will stitch the incision after taking out the lubricant from your eye.
Who qualifies for the ICL surgery?
- The age of the patient should be between 21 and 45 years.
- The eye power of myopia or nearsighted patient should range between -3D and -20D.
- The increase in the eye power of the patient should not be more than 0.5D in a year.
- The anterior chamber of the eye should be adequately deep for this surgical procedure.
- The endothelial cell lining of blood vessels should be dense enough to not cause too much bleeding.
- The patient’s cornea is too thin or irregular in shape for which laser surgery is not possible.
- The patient should not be suffering from dry eye syndrome or shouldn’t have suffered earlier from glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy or iritis.
Request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Chirag Enclave, New Delhi.
Call 1860 500 2244 to book an appointment.
Why is the procedure of ICL surgery conducted?
A case of mild or severe myopia can be treated only by ICL surgery, when laser surgery does not seem to be possible. Your eye surgeon may also apply ICL to treat the problem of farsightedness or hyperopia if it is at an extreme stage. The blurred vision caused due to the unnatural eye curvature of astigmatism also demands ICL surgery in Chirag Enclave. The Implantable Collamer Lens is also used for the treatment of refractive problems of the natural eye lens.
What are the benefits of ICL surgery?
- A case of severe myopia can be corrected with ICL surgery when all other eye treatments fail to cure the problem.
- ICL is perfect even for chronically dry eyes, as it does not further exacerbate the dryness problem.
- ICL surgery is the permanent solution to specific eye problems, after which you need not use any glasses or contact lens.
- Even though the ICL is permanently placed in the eye, it can be removed by a simple surgery.
- As this lens is made of soft and flexible plastic, it does not cause any pain or discomfort in the eye.
- The wound due to this surgery gets healed very fast, as no tissue is taken out during this procedure.
What are the risks?
- The fluid circulation in the eye may be obstructed due to an oversized ICL, leading to the formation of a cataract.
- If high pressure is exerted on the operated eye, the patient may even lose his/her vision.
- The faulty position or incorrect size of an ICL can result in glaucoma.
- Aged people may experience a problem of cloudy cornea if endothelial cells decrease in number due to the ICL surgery.
ICL surgery is a simple and short operation that does not need more than 30 minutes to be over, excluding the process of administering anesthesia.
Though ICL surgery is a permanent procedure, this lens can be taken out of the eye with the help of another small surgical method that does not harm the eye structure. If you feel the lens is oversized, you should contact ICL surgery doctors near you immediately.
You need to take rest for 24 hours after undergoing ICL surgery in Chirag Enclave. Your eyes will regain their normal condition within only three days.
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