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Bladder Cancer

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Bladder Cancer Treatment & Diagnostics in Chirag Enclave, Delhi

Bladder Cancer

Bladder cancer is a malignant outgrowth that affects the urinary bladder. The urinary bladder acts as the urine reservoir. It stores urine before it releases through micturition. Bladder cancer destroys the capacity of urine storage. If you experience leakage of urine beyond control, visit a bladder cancer hospital near you right away. 

To get an early diagnosis, consult a bladder cancer specialist near you.

What are the types of bladder cancer?

  • Transitional carcinoma also known as urothelial carcinoma (cancer of transitional cells located in the inner layer of the urinary bladder)
  • Squamous cell carcinoma (caused by an underlying infection in the bladder)
  • Adenocarcinoma (cancer of mucus glands present in the bladder)

What are the symptoms?

Bladder cancer manifests as another urinary disease. It could be anything from lower-back pain to a burning sensation while you urinate. Consult a bladder cancer specialist near you if you are experiencing any of the following signs:

  • Presence of blood in the urine
  • Passing darker urine (presence of RBCs)
  • Frequent urination (polyuria)
  • Pain around the lower abdominal region
  • Inability to restrict urination (destruction of bladder muscles)

What are the potential causes of bladder cancer?

Bladder cancer is a result of prolonged irritation of the bladder cells and tissues. It could happen due to various reasons like:

  • Chain smoking/habitual drinking
  • Drug allergy
  • Untreated urogenital infections
  • Poor hygiene
  • Chewing of tobacco (khaini)
  • Genetic traits (rare)

When do you need to seek clinical help?

If you are unable to control urination or observe a darkened tint in urine, visit a bladder cancer specialist near you to get diagnosed with any underlying symptoms of bladder cancer.

Request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Chirag Enclave, New Delhi.

Call 1860 500 2244 to book an appointment.

What are the various risk factors associated with bladder cancer?

Some people are more prone than the rest to bladder cancer. Consult a bladder cancer specialist near you and keep in mind these risk factors:

  • Men are more at more risk 
  • Working in chemical industries, leather-complexes, textiles or rubber industries
  • Previously diagnosed with cancer
  • Side effects from cyclophosphamide exposure (an anticancer drug used to treat Hodgkin's lymphoma)
  • Cystitis (inflammation of the urinary bladder) 
  • History of drinking less water
  • Next to kin or ancestral record of cancer (Lynch Syndrome)

What are the complications?

Bladder cancer treatment can lead to the removal of the urinary bladder. It takes a toll on male fertility. The absence of the bladder often leads to leakage of urine during sleep. 

Bladder cancer detected at later stages often show a tendency to relapse. Maintain a healthy lifestyle while visiting a bladder cancer specialist near you for regular check-ups. 

Is bladder cancer preventable?

Here’s what you can do to nurture a healthy bladder:

  • Sufficient water consumption
  • No alcohol or smoking
  • Prompt treatment of urogenital infections
  • Wearing necessary protection if working in hazardous conditions
  • Health check-ups for people with hereditary cancer history 

What are the possible treatment options?

Bladder cancer is treated on the basis of the stages of infection. 

For early detection, treatment aims to contain the infection while swiftly destroying the affected cells through:

  • Chemotherapy
  • Immunotherapy 

For delayed detection, the removal of the urinary bladder becomes inevitable to stop the spread of the infection through:

  • Radical cystectomy
  • Radiation therapy


Bladder cancer is a curable condition. Take your urinary problems seriously and consult a bladder cancer specialist near you right away. Initial diagnosis helps detect bladder cancer in the early stages.

Is bladder cancer curable?

The absence of a urinary bladder doesn't affect life processes much. While removing the infected bladder, surgeons create an artificial bladder-like structure using parts of the small intestine. Patients adapt to the new ways of urinating without micturition in the absence of the natural bladder.

I work at a paint factory. Am I prone to bladder cancer?

Paint factory workers face prolonged exposure to lead, benzidine and aromatic dyes. These are toxic and carcinogenic agents that can lead to bladder cancer. Proper work-safety standards reduce the inhalation of such substances to a great extent.

Does having bladder cancer affect fertility?

The bladder lies at a crucial junction of the common urogenital tract (for men). Even if malignancy doesn't spread beyond the bladder tissues, the passage gets affected during treatment to ensure that no carcinogenic cells are left behind. Consult a bladder cancer doctor near you to learn more about it.


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