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Crossed Eyes Treatment

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Crossed Eyes Treatment Treatment & Diagnostics in Chirag Enclave, Delhi

Crossed Eyes Treatment

Crossed eyes or strabismus is a condition that commonly affects children, usually infants. However, thyroid disease, previous eye surgery, trauma, stroke or weak cranial nerves may also cause crossed eyes in adults.

Various treatments cure crossed eyes and the chances of complications are minimal. If you or your kid have developed crossed eyes, you must consult an ophthalmology doctor near you.

What does a crossed eyes treatment involve?

There are six muscles in each eye that control their movement. These muscles receive signals from the brain and control eye movement. Generally, the eyes don’t point in different directions. However, in some cases, people (especially infants) may develop problems with the control of eye movements.

Their eyes may be misaligned and may point in different directions. This condition is known as strabismus, informally called crossed eyes. There are different treatment methods for this.

What are the different types of crossed eyes treatment?

The crossed eyes treatment may include one or more of the following:

  • Eyeglasses or contact lenses: This method treats patients with uncorrected refractive errors. The corrective lenses reduce the focusing effort and keep the eyes aligned.
  • Prism lenses: These are special triangular lenses whose one side is thicker than the other. Prism lenses bend the light that enters the eye in a way that almost reduces the frequency of turning the eye to negligible.
  • Eye exercises: These may work on some types of crossed eyes, such as convergence insufficiency. It is a vision disorder in which the eyes can’t move inward together when looking at close objects. Vision therapy improves eye movement, eye focus and eye-brain connection.
  • Medications: Eye drops or ointments may be prescribed depending on a patient’s condition.
  • Patching: An eye patch is used over the stronger eye to improve the weaker one. Patching is usually required if the patient has amblyopia. Amblyopia is a condition in which one eye becomes weak compared to the other during infancy.
  • Eye muscle surgery: Surgery changes the position or length of the eye muscles so that the eyes are aligned correctly. A surgeon makes a small incision in the conjunctiva to access the ocular muscles that control eye movement. The surgical procedure is conducted under general anesthesia with dissolvable stitches.

Depending on your condition, ophthalmology doctors in Chirag Enclave, Delhi may suggest one or a combination of the treatments stated above.

You can request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Chirag Enclave, Delhi.

Call 1860 500 2244 to book an appointment.

Who performs crossed eyes treatment?

Ophthalmology doctors with advanced medical and surgical training perform eye muscle surgery. An optometrist may suggest eye exercises, prescribe lenses and medication. But only an ophthalmologist can perform the surgery.

Why is crossed eyes treatment done?

The main reason to undergo a crossed eyes treatment is to improve eye alignment, muscle control and coordination.

Mostly the eyes point in the same direction. However, sometimes both eyes of an infant may turn in different directions. It is necessary to conduct a crossed eyes treatment to treat this defect.

What are the benefits of crossed eyes treatment?

Crossed eyes treatment fixes the misalignment of the eyes and restores the visual function to normal. Some other benefits of the crossed eyes treatment include:

  • Reduction or elimination of double vision
  • Restoration of binocular vision
  • Better positioning of the head
  • Improvement in social skills
  • Improved self-image

What are the risks?

For crossed eyes surgery, the most common risks include:

  • Under-correction or overcorrection
  • Unsatisfactory eye alignment
  • Double vision

Some of the other risks that are rare include:

  • Anesthetic complications
  • Scarring on the eye
  • Infection
  • Drooping eyelids
  • Bleeding
  • Retinal detachment


In most cases, the surgery is successful and doesn’t have any risks. However, if any complications persist, please visit ophthalmology doctors near you.

You can request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Chirag Enclave, Delhi.

Call 1860 500 2244 to book an appointment.

My two-year-old daughter has crossed eyes. Will surgery permanently fix the misalignment in her eyes?

Yes, the surgery will improve the alignment substantially. However, please do not expect perfection. Sometimes, it may be under-corrected and at other times, overcorrected.

Is surgery the only option to treat crossed eyes?

No, your doctor may prescribe non-invasive treatments depending on the condition.

Is eye muscle surgery risky for adults?

Every surgery has some risks. But fortunately, serious complications such as infection, bleeding are rare. You may experience double vision, but it is usually temporary.


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