Cyst Treatment in Chirag Enclave, Delhi
Cysts are a common condition in women. These are sacs that are filled with fluids and other tissues. They can affect women of different age groups.
Cysts are usually harmless, but if you have any signs that show the presence of cysts in the ovaries, you must consult a gynecology specialist near you.
What is a cyst?
Women have a pair of ovaries located near the uterus. These ovaries release mature eggs during the time of reproduction and hormones like progesterone and estrogen. In a few women, these ovaries get affected by fluid-filled sacs known as cysts. These cysts are generally benign and do not have a long-term effect.
What are the types of cysts?
Ovarian cysts are of various types. Functional cysts are the most common type of cyst. The two major kinds of functional cysts are:
- Corpus-luteum cysts - follicle sacs dissolve after secretion of eggs. But in a few cases, these sacs do not dissolve and the fluid collects in the follicles leading to cysts.
- Follicular cysts - follicles are small sacs present in the ovaries, in which the eggs grow during the menstruation cycle. The sac ruptures to release the egg, but sometimes the sac doesn’t break and the fluid in the follicles grows as a cyst.
Other types of cysts:
- Endometriomas - tissues that develop inside the uterus sometimes grow outside it and attach themselves to the wall of the ovaries. These overgrown tissues cause cysts.
- Dermoid cysts (teratomas) - these cysts are formed from the embryonic cells. The tissues are filled with fat, hair, skin, etc.
- Cystadenomas - mucus-filled cysts present on the surface of the ovaries.
What are the symptoms?
- Pain in abdomen
- Pelvic pain
- Bloating
- Irregular menstruation cycles
- Extreme pain during menstruation
- Swelling in abdomen
- Pain during intercourse
- Nausea
- Fever
- Pain in bowel movement
- Pain in legs and back
What causes cysts?
- Endometriosis
- Hormonal imbalance
- Infection in ovaries and pelvic region
- Pregnancy
When do you need to see a doctor?
Untreated cysts can become complicated. Seek medical assistance if you have:
- Frequent irregular periods
- Severe abdominal pain along with fever and vomiting
- Rapid breathing
Request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Chirag Enclave, New Delhi.
Call 1860 500 2244 to book an appointment.
What are the risk factors?
- Infection - infection in the pelvic region and the nearby area multiplies the chances of cysts.
- Pregnancy - a lot of cysts develop during pregnancy.
- Hormones - hormonal imbalance because of fertility drugs can cause cysts.
- Endometriosis- the overgrown tissues that attach to the ovaries can be a primary reason for a cyst.
- Menopause - during the time of menopause, the chances of cysts increase.
What are the complications?
Cysts are common and benign. In the rarest of rare cases, they grow into something harmful. Some of the probable complications are:
- Cancer - benign cysts turn into malignant cysts that can cause cancer
- Ovarian torsion - enlarged cysts can lead to painful movement and twisting of ovaries. The blood stops or decreases in the ovaries and this leads to immense discomfort
- Ruptured cysts - the enlarged cysts break and cause pain with internal bleeding
How can cysts be prevented?
Cysts cannot be avoided but with proper diagnoses, their complications can be reduced.
Tests include:
- CT scan
- Ultrasound
How are cysts treated?
The doctor may recommend the following treatment options:
- Laparoscopy, to surgically remove small cysts
- Laparotomy to remove larger cysts
- Oral medicines like birth control pills to cure cysts along with prevention from ovarian cancer.
Other treatments include biopsy, hysterectomy, etc.
Cysts are quite common. According to survey reports, 80 percent of women suffer from cysts in their lifetime. They can get cured.
Not all cysts cause infertility. The functional cysts, cystadenomas and other types of cysts have not reported any cases of infertility and problems in bearing a child but endometriomas cysts can lead to infertility.
A cyst gets cured within a few months, but if left untreated, it can affect fertility and cause other possible complications.
Yes, we can remove these cysts by performing procedures like laparoscopy, laparotomy, biopsy, etc.
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