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Breast Augmentation Surgery

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Breast Augmentation Surgery in Chirag Enclave, Delhi

Breast augmentation, also referred to as augmentation mammoplasty or a ‘boob job’, is a cosmetic procedure done to increase the size or enlarge your breasts. It can also be an essential procedure in certain cases, where the breasts need to be rebuilt due to some condition. 

The surgery involves placing saline or silicone implants behind the breast tissue or the muscles in the chest. It can also be performed by transferring the fat from one area of the body to the breasts, but surgically placing implants is a more common way. The surgery can increase your breast size by a cup or more. For further information, you should look for breast augmentation surgery near you.

What happens in breast augmentation surgery?

Before the surgery begins, you will be administered anesthesia. This will numb the area of the surgery or put you to sleep. The surgeon can do three different types of incisions to put implants in your breasts. The three incisions are:

  • Inframammary: below your breast
  • Axillary: in the underarm 
  • Periareolar:  in the areola or the tissue surrounding your nipple

While choosing the implants, you can select any implant, whether it is silicone or saline. You can choose a round breast or contoured breast shape, depending on what you desire and your existing breast shape.

After the incisions are made, the surgeon will slowly separate the tissue of your breast from your chest muscles to make a pocket. Your implants will then be placed in these pockets. If the implants are saline, the shells will be filled with saline solution, but if they are silicone then they will already be filled. The implants will be centred, and once that is done, the incisions made will be stitched back together. You will be monitored for a while and then allowed to go back home.

Who qualifies for the procedure?

Breast augmentation is a cosmetic procedure. It is more commonly done by women, who want to increase their breast size as they might have lost some breast weight due to age or pregnancy. You should look for breast augmentation doctors near you. 

Request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Chirag Enclave, New Delhi. Call 1860 500 2244 to book an appointment.

Why is the procedure conducted?

Breast augmentation can be done for several reasons like increasing the size of your breasts to gain a self-esteem boost, enhancing your appearance, removing unevenness in breasts in case there is any, correcting or rebuilding breasts after a surgical procedure or restructuring breasts after weight loss during pregnancy. For further information, you should look for breast lift surgery near you.

What are the benefits?

  • Can help in improving the appearance of breasts
  • Improves your appearance
  • Makes your breasts more even and symmetrical
  • Boosts self-confidence and self-esteem

What are the risks?

  • Bleeding
  • Bruising
  • Pain in the breasts
  • Rupture or leak in the implant
  • Infection in the incisions or at the surgical site
  • Alteration of feeling in the breasts or a temporary loss of feeling
  • Buildup of fluid around the implant
  • Slow healing of the incisions
  • Severe scarring
  • Severe nighttime sweating
  • Discharge from the breasts around the incisions
  • Risk of infection

If after the procedure is performed, you experience any of the following symptoms mentioned below, you should contact your doctor immediately:

  • Your breasts are red or warm on touch
  • You are experiencing a high fever, over 101F
  • You have chest pain
  • You are experiencing trouble while breathing
  • Fluid or blood keeps oozing out of the incision

How long do breast implants last?

Breast implants can easily last for over a decade. The older they get, the higher is the chance of ruptur. But in most cases, you can see women having breast implants that last for 15 to 20 years.

Which breast implants feel more natural?

Silicone implants tend to feel more natural compared to saline breast implants. They are soft, elastic and flexible.

Is breast augmentation painful?

No, the procedure itself is not painful at all as you are given anesthesia. After the procedure is completed, pain is there, but it is manageable with the help of some common painkillers. You do not require any extreme medication.


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