Excision Of Tumour Treatment & Diagnostics in Chunni Ganj, Kanpur
When cells grow abnormally, there is the formation of lumps in the body called a tumour. Most tumours are not cancerous and are benign. In some cases, the tumour can be cancerous, and it spreads through the lymphatic system or the blood to the other parts of the body.
What is the meaning of excision of tumour?
Excision means a surgical procedure to take out and remove a tumour from the body. Your doctor will recommend you to undergo excision in both cases of benign and cancerous tumours.
Why is excision of tumour performed at Apollo Spectra, Kanpur ?
- In rare cases of non-cancerous tumours (benign), doctors might want to keep the patient under observation. But usually, the doctor advises excision of the benign tumour as it can spread and become cancerous and malignant.
- If the tumour is cancerous, excision is the only cure for cancer.
- Excision also helps to understand the cancer stage and the size of the tumour. The excision also helps to evaluate whether the cancer is localized or has spread a lot.
- Doctors also perform excision of tumours to improve the quality of life of the patient. If the patient experiences extreme pain, the doctor will advise excision. If it becomes an obstacle to any organ, your doctor will ask you to undergo excision.
When to see a doctor for excision of tumour?
- When you feel the presence of lumps in your body.
- Intense pain where the lumps are present and in their surroundings
- Consistent weakness, fever, fatigue.
- If your doctor diagnoses you with a tumour and some parts of your body cannot function properly.
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How to prepare for the excision of the tumour?
- Your doctor will ask you to undergo several blood tests, MRIs, CT scans, X-rays, and imaging tests before the excision of the tumour.
- After proper diagnosis, the doctor will record your blood group for emergencies where blood transfusion is crucial.
- The doctor will ask you to stop taking blood-thinning medicines several weeks before the surgery.
- You should let your doctor know if you have any allergies.
- Tell your doctor if you are about to conceive.
How do surgeons perform excision of tumours?
- The surgeon gives the patient anesthesia to ensure he doesn't feel any pain during the process.
- The surgeon will make an incision where the doctor has diagnosed the tumour.
- The surgeon will take out the cancerous tissues and some surrounding tissues to ensure all the cancerous cells are out of the body.
- The surgeon will also take out many lymph nodes to understand how far cancer has spread.
- In benign tumours, the surgeon takes out the tissues mostly and leaves those tissues that will dissolve by themselves.
What are the complications associated with the excision of the tumour?
- You will experience tremendous pain at the site of excision. Your doctor will prescribe medications after the excision of a tumour to keep the pain minimal.
- You can develop an infection at the site of excision. The hospital staff will guide you and tell you how to take care of the wound after the excision of the tumour. Your doctor will treat any infection with antibiotics if it is severe.
- To perform excision of the tumour, the surgeon might require to remove an entire organ. In most situations, the body retains its normal functioning. But in some cases, your body can be left with impairments and loss of organ functioning.
- Your surgeon will try to minimize bleeding, but excision of the tumour will involve some amount of blood loss.
- You might develop blood clots. The complication will get serious if the blood clot breaks and travels to the lungs creating a blockage. Hence, your doctor will prescribe you blood-thinning medicines.
- Your bowel and bladder functioning will change for some days after the excision of the tumour.
You can get anxious and scared because of the process, but the surgeons are well equipped to cater to your requirements. If you face unusual complications, immediately contact the hospital staff and your healthcare providers.
The excision of a tumour can be mentally and physically taxing. It will ideally take you a few weeks to recover from the pain. You will recover completely in some months.
It can take approximately 4 to 6 hours for the excision of the tumour. It may take longer if the tumour is present in the brain.
Yes, a tumour can grow back after surgery. If the tumour grows at the same point again, it is called a localized recurrence. If it grows in a new place, it is called metastasis.
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