Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery in C Scheme, Jaipur
Also known as vertical sleeve gastrectomy, sleeve gastrectomy is a surgical procedure for weight loss. During this procedure, small instruments are inserted laparoscopically through small incisions made in the upper abdomen. Here, 80% of the stomach is removed and all that will remain is a tube-shaped stomach that almost resembles a banana.
The advantage of the surgery is that shrinking the size of the stomach restricts the amount of food you consume. This procedure also leads to hormonal changes, which assists with weight loss and help provide relief from issues that occur due to obesity.
Why is Sleeve Gastrectomy Performed?
This surgery may be recommended by your doctor if you are obese and are in danger of any health complications, such as;
- Heart disease
- Infertility
- Cancer
- High blood pressure and cholesterol
- Type 2 diabetes
- Obstructive sleep apnea
- Stroke
This surgery is mainly for you;
- If you are extremely obese or if your BMI is over 40
- If your BMI is between 35-39.9 where you are in danger of a serious health issue
- If your BMI is between 30-34 and again you are in danger of a serious health issue
What are the Risks of Sleeve Gastrectomy?
Just like any other surgery, sleeve gastrectomy also has a few risks involved. They are;
- Infections
- Bleeding excessively
- Negative reactions to anaesthesia
- Breathing problems
- Leakage or drainage from the cuts
Some of the long term risks include;
- Hernias
- Malnutrition
- Vomiting
- Gastrointestinal reflux
- Gastrointestinal obstruction
How to Prepare for The Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery?
As you come closer to the surgery, your doctor will ask to start a physical activity or use of tobacco. You will also be put on a strict diet and you will have to check with your doctor for certain medications. Take this time to plan ahead for your recovery phase, as you might need a companion for at least a week after the surgery.
What Happens During The Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery?
Usually, sleeve gastrectomy is performed laparoscopically where you are first put under general anaesthesia before your surgery. This helps you sleep and remain comfortable all through your surgery. The procedure takes approximately two hours, after which you are shifted to a recovery room. Once you are awake, the medical team will monitor your health. Depending on your health, your discharge date will be finalized.
What Happens after The Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery?
Once you are done with the surgery, your doctor at Apollo Spectra, Jaipur will help you with a meal plan, where you will be asked to choose sugarless and non-carbonated drinks for the next seven days. Then, for the next three to four weeks, you will be allowed only pureed food. You will also be prescribed certain medications and you will have to visit your doctor for regular health checkups. Due to the rapid weight loss, you may notice a few symptoms, such as body aches, fatigue and tiredness, feeling cold, hair loss or hair thinning, mood swings and dry skin.
When to See a Doctor?
If you notice severe symptoms or any drainage or leakage, bleeding or fever after the surgery, you must visit your doctor at Apollo Spectra, Jaipur immediately.
Request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Jaipur
Call 1860 500 2244 to book an appointment.
Remember, the surgery will only work if you follow the lifestyle recommended by your doctor. Otherwise, there are chances that you will gain back the weight. Even when it comes to snacking, you cannot opt for a high-calorie snack as it can adversely affect your weight. Make sure to visit your doctor as scheduled and follow all the instructions properly. If you have any more questions, don’t hesitate to ask your doctor.
Overall, sleeve gastrectomy is a safe procedure. You can always talk to your doctor to know more.
After the surgery, you will be in some pain for a while. However, your doctor will prescribe the necessary painkillers to keep the pain away.
If you overeat, your stomach will stretch to make room for the extra food.
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