Orthopaedics - Arthroscopy
Arthroscopy is the procedure for diagnosis and treatment of problems related to joints. A surgeon inserts a narrow tube through a small incision, almost the size of a buttonhole. It is connected to a fiber-optic mini video camera for viewing the joint area. The information is transmitted to a high-definition video monitor.
The camera view allows the surgeon to see the inner area of your joint without a large cut. Surgeons also repair any kind of damage in the joints during the process of arthroscopy, when a few additional minute incisions to insert thin surgical instruments.
To know more, consult an orthopedic doctor near you or visit an orthopedic hospital near you.
What is arthroscopy?
It is a minor surgery done on an outpatient basis; this means the patient can go home right after the surgery. Doctors recommend this surgery only when you have joint inflammation, injury in joints or have suffered damage to joints over some time. Surgeons can do the surgery for any joint of the body; most commonly, it is done on the knee, shoulder, hip, ankle or wrist.
Why is arthroscopy done?
If you are experiencing joint pain, then the doctor may recommend undergoing surgery. The process helps in the diagnosis of the condition so that the doctor can start the treatment.
Your doctor may suggest that you undergo arthroscopy when you feel joint pain. An arthroscopy is a valuable way for doctors to confirm the source of joint pain and treat the problem.
Some common issues treated by arthroscopic surgery are:
- anterior or posterior ligament tear
- torn meniscus
- displaced patella
- pieces of torn cartilage becoming loose at joints
- Baker’s cyst removal
- fractures of knee bones
- synovial swelling
When do you need to see a doctor?
If you are suffering from any of the conditions above, consult an orthopedic surgeon near you.
Request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Jaipur, Rajasthan.
Call 18605002244 to book an appointment.
What are the risks and complications?
Risks include:
- There is excessive bleeding during the procedure.
- There are chances of infection at the surgery site.
- Experiencing difficulties in breathing due to anesthesia.
- Some kind of allergic reaction to anesthesia or other medications that are given during the surgery process.
Possible complications
These include:
- Noticeable bleeding inside the knee joint
- A blood clot is formed in the leg
- Development of infection inside the joint
- Feeling of stiffness in the knee
- Any injury or damage to ligaments, meniscus, blood vessels, cartilage or nerves of the knee
How do you prepare for arthroscopy?
- Talk to the best ortho doctor near me about the medicines or vitamins you take.
- You must remove all the valuables, including jewelry, watches, and other items.
- Wear loose and comfortable clothes for the surgery that are easy to take off or put on.
- Do not drink or eat anything before the operation unless mentioned by the doctor.
- The health care providers will give you a sponge to scrub your knee or shoulder joint before going for the process.
- Ensure that you take rest afterwards.
How is the procedure conducted?
There is a standard procedure. You will be asked to change into the hospital gown, and a nurse will put an intravenous catheter in your hand or forearm. They will administer mild anesthesia depending on the type of the procedure. You may be injected with local, regional or general anesthesia by the health care provider.
You will be asked to lie or sit in a comfortable position. The limb which will undergo surgery will be placed on a positioning table. The doctor can use a tourniquet for reducing blood loss and enhancing visibility inside the given joint.
Another method involves filling the joint with a sterile fluid, which helps in expanding the area around your joints.
Then the doctor makes a small incision for viewing and some other smaller incisions for inserting surgical tools. These incisions are tiny and can be closed by one or two stitches or a thin strip of adhesive tape. They do it to grasp, cut, grind and provide suction as per the requirement of the joint repair surgery.
After the procedure
Arthroscopic surgery is not a very complex procedure. It may take about half an hour, and once it is completed, the health workers will take you to a different room for the recovery phase. The aftercare process provided by arthroscopy surgery near me includes:
- Medications - The doctor will write down some medication for relief from pain and inflammation.
- R.I.C.E. - You will be asked to rest, ice, compress and elevate the joint for a few days to reduce the amount of swelling and pain.
- Protection - You may have to use temporary splints, slings or crutches to protect the joint.
- Exercises - Your doctor will also prescribe physical therapy as well as rehabilitation to restore the strength of muscles.
Arthroscopy is a minimally invasive operation that is done to repair minor damage or other issues in the joints. It is a simple surgery that takes very little time.
You will need about six weeks to recover completely. In case of damaged tissue repair, the recovery will take longer.
You may move your joints as per the level of pain you can handle after arthroscopy. But your joints may be swollen, and full motion may be difficult for the first few days.
You need to keep the dressing clean and dry for the first three days. After that, you can shower, but do not wet the incisions until you go for your first post-op appointment. You have to cover the dressing area to keep it dry during shower.
You may experience some pain in the areas surrounding your joints where surgery is done. The pain subsides within two to three weeks of surgery.
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