Prostate Laser Surgery in C-scheme, Jaipur
The prostate is an important part of the male reproductive part. It is a walnut-sized gland that is located in front of the rectum below the bladder. It surrounds the top portion of the tube that empties the urine from the bladder, urethra. It is responsible for producing the seminal fluid that enriches and protects the sperms. Laser Prostatectomy is the surgery performed to treat a medical condition that creates problems to pass the urine by enlarging the prostate glands. This condition is called Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia.
The urinary symptoms that are caused by Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia include the following:
- Frequent need to urinate
- Increased need to urinate at night
- Pain or discomfort while starting to urinate
- Weak or distorted stream of urination
- Urinary tract infections
- A feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder
Why is Laser Prostatectomy performed?
Laser prostatectomy is performed because of the following reasons:
- Remove or fix the prostate tissue obstructing the flow of urine
- To fix the altered level of hormones in the blood
- To treat prostate cancer
- To relieve the symptoms causing urinary tract infections
How Is the Laser Prostatectomy Performed?
During the procedure of Laser Prostatectomy, the surgeons at the Apollo Spectra, Jaipur give general anesthesia to the patient to fall asleep during the procedure. This procedure does not involve any type of cut or incisions.
The Surgeon uses an anesthetic gel to lubricate a thin tube-like instrument called the resectoscope. This instrument is passed up the urethra. Resectoscope controls the bleeding and flushes away the blood and debris on its way up. This ensures a clear image on the camera.
Resectoscope has a tool that uses electric current to remove or cut the scarred or damaged tissue. The laser beam pointing from the end of the instrument is treated as a knife to cut the prostate tissue. This also removes any tissue that blocks or obstructs the passage of urine.
The removed or cut tissues are pushed into the urinary bladder. It either comes out with the resectoscope or the surgeon uses a morcellator. Morcellator is a device used to cut bigger tissues into smaller ones. It is generally passed through the resectoscope so that it can cut the prostate tissue into smaller tissues to be sucked out and pushed into the bladder.
After the tissues are removed, the surgeon uses a tube that passes through the urethra into the urinary bladder called a catheter. A catheter is used to drain the urine.
What Are the Benefits of Laser Prostatectomy?
There are different methods of treatment used for treating Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. Laser prostatectomy outweighs the others due to the following benefits:
- Immediate results: With the other methods of treatment, the results are noticeable after a period of several weeks or months.
- Quick Recovery: Recovery from laser prostatectomy takes relatively lesser time than open surgery
- Controlled or limited bleeding: Laser prostatectomy is safer for men who are suffering from blood disorders
- No longer stay at the hospitals
- The use of a catheter is required for not more than 24 hours to drain the urine
What Are the Side Effects of Laser Prostatectomy?
The following risks or side effects may occur after the procedure of Laser Prostatectomy:
- You might have trouble urinating for a few days after the surgery
- If the urine is not drained completely, urinary tract infections are likely to occur
- After the surgery, there might be scars. This blocks the passage of urine.
- The chancer is rare, but men have erectile dysfunction after the laser surgery
- Not all the tissues are removed. The larger tissues may not be pushed back into the bladder. This calls for retreatment or going through the surgery again.
Who Are the Right Candidates for Laser Prostatectomy?
The right candidates who require undergoing a Laser prostatectomy are:
- Men with enlarged prostate gland
- Men with Urinary tract infections
- Men who are unable to control urinating
- In rare cases, men who have kidney damage or kidney stones
Prostate tissue is responsible for the obstruction in the flow of urine. Once it is removed, there will be an immediate improvement in the passage of urine.
There are 10% chances of having erectile dysfunction in men. The other effect of laser prostatectomy is having dry ejaculations.
It is very rare and uncommon. However, pain or swelling may occur due to inflammation.
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