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Guidance for a Smooth & Confident Nursing Journey

Breastfeeding is an important and important part of motherhood, but it can also be challenging for many mothers. From difficult latching to a low milk supply, breastfeeding can be overwhelming. At Apollo Spectra, we provide expert support for mothers so they can tackle this journey confidently. Our lactation consultants can provide tailored solutions and ensure a comfortable setting for both mother and baby.   

Best Breastfeeding Tips for New Moms

Breastfeeding is an entirely natural process; however, it might take a while and some practice to get it done right. Taking some of the best breastfeeding tips for new moms can help ease the journey of your breastfeeding experience. 

  • A Good Latch: An effective way to prevent nipple pain and ensure adequate milk intake for your baby is to latch your baby well. If it hurts, check the position of the baby.
  • Feed as per Demand: Do not follow a rigid schedule. Instead, wait for your baby to let you know when they are hungry. This will help establish and maintain your milk supply.
  • Continue to Hydrate and Nourish: Drink plenty of water. It is also recommended to eat healthily-that is, consume nutritious food: good protein, healthy fats,and  vitamins-which, in turn, will help you breastfeed well. 
  • Choose a Comfortable Position for Nursing: See what breastfeeding position best serves both you and your baby.
  • Practice Skin-to-Skin: Skin-to-skin helps with bonding and stimulates milk production.
  • No Pacifiers and Bottles for a Couple of Weeks: Babies who are breastfed regularly during the early weeks build a solid milk supply.
  • Well-Balanced Diet: Your food intake directly affects your milk production. Incorporate oatmeal and leafy greens, almonds and dairy, lean protein, and healthy fats. Drink plenty of water and herbal teas to stay hydrated.
  • Seek Help When Needed: If you have pain, a problem with latching, or a low supply, consult a lactation consultant for professional help. 

How to Increase Breast Milk Supply Naturally

Many mothers worry about low milk production, but simple, natural methods can help boost supply. Consistency, proper nutrition, and frequent feeding are key to maintaining a healthy milk supply.

  • Nurse Frequently: More nursing means more milk; try to increase breastfeeding every 2-3 hours. 
  • Pump Between Feedings: Pumping after feeding tells your body to make more milk.
  • Eat Lactation-Boosting Foods: Your breastfeeding diet for better milk production should include the following supportive foods: oats, fenugreek, flaxseeds, fennel, and almonds.
  • Stay Hydrated: Drink enough water, herbal tea, and other fluids to prevent the breasts from drying out.
  • Breast Compression: Gentle massage of the breast while feeding would help to release more milk, thus promoting better milk flow.
  • Rest and Reduce Stress: Sleep deprivation and stressful situations can inhibit breast milk production. Time and attention to self-love and relaxation should be the priority.
  • Do not Introduce Formula Early: Nursing for the first two weeks helps maintain a healthy supply. 

Common Breastfeeding Problems and Solutions

Many mothers encounter breastfeeding difficulties that can hinder their success. Understanding breastfeeding problems and solutions may help some mothers settle comfortably into breastfeeding. 

  • Painful Latch or Sore Nipples: Adjust the baby’s position and ensure a deep latch. Applying lanolin cream or breast milk to sore nipples can help.
  • Low Milk Supply: Nurse frequently, stay hydrated, and consume lactation-friendly foods. Pumping after feeds can also help increase the supply.
  • Engorgement or Blocked Ducts: To relieve discomfort, Apply warm compresses, gently massage the affected area, and nurse frequently.
  • Mastitis (Breast Infection): Symptoms include breast pain, redness, and fever. Continue breastfeeding, apply warm compresses, and consult a doctor if needed.
  • Baby Refusing to Latch: Try different breastfeeding positions, practice skin-to-skin contact, and consult a lactation specialist for assistance.
  • Overactive Letdown: If your milk flows too fast, try expressing some milk before feeding or nursing in a reclined position to slow the flow.
  • Weaning Difficulties: Gradually reduce feedings and offer alternatives like formula or solid foods based on your baby’s age.

Get the Best Breastfeeding Support at Apollo Spectra

Personalised support from a lactation consultant can completely change your breastfeeding experience. Apollo Spectra's experts provide counselling sessions specifically designed for you, teaching the necessary techniques for latching, positioning, and feeding. The experienced team is committed to providing expert lactation care and will make your experience as comfortable as possible for both you and your baby. Do you want to seek support in breastfeeding? Give us a call and book an appointment with an expert lactation consultant today! 

How often is breastfeeding recommended for a newborn?

Newborns typically feed every 2 to 3 hours. This is around 8 to 12 times a day. Feeding on demand instead of according to strict schedules helps establish a sound milk supply.

How can I know if my baby is getting enough milk?

Your baby is taking enough milk when he demonstrates steady weight gain, lack of less than 6, at least 8 wet diapers a day, and when she looks relaxed and satisfied after feeding. If in doubt, contact a lactation consultant.

What foods help with milk production?

A balanced diet containing foods such as oats, fenugreek, fennel, leafy greens, cooked almonds, and healthy fats boosts supply. Eating and staying well-hydrated are also important for a healthy supply.

Can I continue if I don't have enough milk to breastfeed?

Yes! Frequent nursing, pumping, staying hydrated, and eating foods that boost lactation are a few ways to increase supply. If your problems persist, you should see a lactation consultant.

When should I consider seeing a lactation consultant?

For painful breastfeeding, difficulty latching, low milk supply, engorgement, or failure of your baby to gain sufficient weight, you should see a lactation consultant.


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