Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation refers to a field of medicine that works to restore muscle or joint movement. Accidents, injuries, illnesses, or aging can have a direct effect on muscle or joint movement. In these cases, people consult physiotherapists for restoration and recovery. If you are looking for a physiotherapist near you, then here are a few things you should know.
Overview of Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation
Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation involves a variety of procedures that are helpful in treating injuries and restoring your body’s normal movement.
Who Qualifies for Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation?
People who experience the symptoms given below qualify for Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation treatments:
- Loss of balance
- Major joint or muscle injury
- Nonstop pain in the joints or muscles
- Having trouble when moving or stretching
- No control over urination
When are Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Conducted?
Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation are opted for post-accident, injury, or illnesses that restrict the patient’s movement. Consistent and proper treatment right after injury or illness helps the patient restore normal muscle and joint movement and go back to his original lifestyle.
When to See a Doctor?
If you are experiencing problems moving your hands, legs, knees, fingers, back, or other body parts, you should consult a physiotherapist near you. Additionally, people with jobs that require intense physical activity, such as sportspersons, can also visit physiotherapists for injury prevention.
Request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Ameerpet, Hyderabad
Call: 18605002244
What are the Different Types of Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Techniques?
There are a variety of techniques in Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation, including:
- Manual Therapy- A physical treatment for treating musculoskeletal pain or disability.
- Cryotherapy- A procedure involving the use of extremely cold temperatures in order to freeze or remove the abnormal tissue.
- Thermotherapy- A form of heat therapy for pain relief.
- Electrotherapy- A procedure involving the use of electoral energy as a medical treatment.
- Balance and Coordination Re-training- Training of the body to improve motor coordination.
- Acupuncture- A procedure involving the insertion of fine needles through the skin and tissue to relieve pain.
- Kinesio Taping- A procedure involving the placement of special tapes on the body to boost mobility.
What are the Benefits of Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation?
There are many benefits to Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation. These include:
- Enhanced balance and coordination
- Strengthened muscles and decreased pain
- Less risk of falls
- Restoration of normal muscle or joint movement
- Relief from pain in the joints or muscles
- Reduced requirement for surgery
What are the Risks or Complications of Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation?
Possible complications of physiotherapy and Rehabilitation include:
- Wrong diagnosis
- Enhanced muscle or joint pain
- Vertebrobasilar stroke
- Pneumothorax due to the lack of skill of the practitioner
- Dizziness because of incorrect management of blood sugar level
Physiotherapists have different specializations, including orthopedics, neurology, and so on. Therefore, while looking for a physiotherapist near you, ask yourself what the final results that you expect are. Remember, physiotherapy and Rehabilitation are restorative treatments, and you must not delay taking this road of recovery in case of accidents or illness.
Physiotherapists treat a host of physical issues, such as sports injuries, pediatric issues, musculoskeletal issues, neuro issues, and more.
Your condition and type of treatment will determine the right physiotherapist for you. For instance, post-surgery patients need an ortho physiotherapist, while a post-stroke patient needs a neuro physiotherapist. Similarly, kids suffering from pain will need a pediatric physiotherapist.
A Chiropractor differs from a Physiotherapist in his treatment method. Both of them work with patients who experience pain or have trouble when they perform various physical tasks. However, while chiropractors focus on aligning parts of your body, physiotherapists work to enhance the mobility of the patient and reduce their level of pain.
You can do exercises suggested by your physiotherapist. Always consult him before you start exercising after watching online videos or reading articles on the internet. The same exercises do not apply to everyone.