apollo spectra

Orthopaedics & Spine

The process of Bankart Repair Rehabilitation

July 9, 2018
The process of Bankart Repair Rehabilitation

Bankart Repair surgery is a minimally invasive procedure which is performed to repair instability...

Best Shoulder Exercises after Rotator Cuff Surgery

June 1, 2018
Best Shoulder Exercises after Rotator Cuff Surgery

The rotator cuff is a combination of ligaments and tendons that hold the shoulder or arm together...

Dr. Gautam Kodikal explains Orthopaedic Surgery

May 3, 2018
Dr. Gautam Kodikal explains Orthopaedic Surgery

Dr. Gautam Kodikal, from Apollo Spectra Hospitals explains Orthopedic Surgery by talking about ne...

Take control of your Arthritis- Diet tips for Joint Health

December 7, 2017
Take control of your Arthritis- Diet tips for Joint Health

Ms Kriti Goel is a clinical nutritionist, bariatric nutritionist and i...

Diagnosis and Treatment for Sports Injuries

November 21, 2017
Diagnosis and Treatment for Sports Injuries

The process of diagnosis is slightly different at the different centres that offer non-invasive r...

Sports Injuries: Repair without cuts

November 21, 2017
Sports Injuries: Repair without cuts

Non-invasive Therapies Overview: Non-invasive therapies are emerging as viable option...

Best Recovery After Knee Arthroscopy

September 25, 2017
Best Recovery After Knee Arthroscopy

What is Knee Arthroscopy? Knee arthroscopy is an advanced minimally ...

5 myths on Knee Surgery

September 22, 2017
5 myths on Knee Surgery


Does Arthritis affect your Heart?

September 22, 2017
Does Arthritis affect your Heart?

It is a common notion that arthritis is a joint disorder where a joint in the body becomes swolle...

Heat or Ice: What to do after sports injuries?

August 16, 2017
Heat or Ice: What to do after sports injuries?

Ice packs or heat pads are the most common remedies used to immediately treat physical injuries t...

Understanding Partial Knee Replacement

July 7, 2017
Understanding Partial Knee Replacement

Your knee is a crucial part of your body as it aids your movement and helps you follow your daily...

Is Knee Replacement the only option?

July 7, 2017
Is Knee Replacement the only option?

Knee replacement surgery is recommended by doctors if you are suffering from extreme arthritis, d...

Sports Injuries - How To Avoid Them?

July 2, 2017
Sports Injuries - How To Avoid Them?

Sports injuries refer to injuries that happen while playing sports or exercising. They include sp...

Back Pain: When to see a doctor?

July 2, 2017
Back Pain: When to see a doctor?

When to see a doctor if you have back pain: As we grow older, we tend to complain of ...

4 Common Signs of Rotator Cuff Injury

June 19, 2017
4 Common Signs of Rotator Cuff Injury

The rotator cuff or rotor cuff is a group of muscles and their tendons that perform the function ...

Why you should not delay Knee Replacement Surgery

June 1, 2017
Why you should not delay Knee Replacement Surgery

Knee Replacement Surgery Knee Replacement is a surgery to relieve pain and disability...

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