May 27, 2022
The lens of your eye becomes cloudy due to a cataract. It can strain your eyes as the vision of y...
How to Take Care of your Child's Eye?
January 2, 2022
Children are not able to know if something is wrong with them. Unless ...
Refractive (LASIK & Phakic lens) Eye Surgeries, a best alternative for Glasses or Contact lens
September 25, 2021
If you are having glasses (Refractive Errors) like Nearsightedness (My...
What you should know about Eye Donation
August 21, 2021
Vision is one among five senses along with smell, touch, hearing and t...
What is Cataract?
June 9, 2021
Natural lens inside our eye, which is crystal clear by birth, is very important as it hel...
High Blood Pressure During Pregnancy
March 4, 2020
High blood pressure during pregnancy can put the mother and the baby a...
Am I Displaying Early Warning Signs of Cataracts
September 5, 2019
A cataract is an eye condition that can cause visual impairment. It st...
How common is Dry Eye Syndrome
August 23, 2019
Dry eye is a condition of the eyes that results in quick evaporation o...
Why should you opt for Lasik Surgery?
May 21, 2019
LASIK, or Laser in-Situ Keratomileusis, is a surgery that is used to treat nearsightedness, farsi...
What are the side effects of Lasik eye surgery?
November 29, 2018Lasik eye surgery is known to treat high myopia or short-sightedness which is an increasingly com...
Different Treatment Option to Treat Squint of My Child
February 19, 2017
Different Treatment Options to Treat Squint of My Child Treatment of squints is essen...
How Safe Is Squint Surgery?
February 15, 2017
How safe is squint surgery? Squint Eye Problem is most commonly foun...
Blurry Vision Time to Check for Cataract
February 9, 2017
BLURRY VISION: TIME TO CHECK FOR CATARACT As per a report published in Indian Journal...
When Should One Consider Undergoing a Lasik Eye Surgery?
February 25, 2016
Lasik eye surgery is a refractive surgery which is also called laser eye surgery or laser vision ...
All You Need to Know About Lasik Surgery
January 16, 2016
Lasik Surgery Overview: Lasik surgery (Laser-assisted in-situ kerato...