May 27, 2022
The lens of your eye becomes cloudy due to a cataract. It can strain your eyes as the vision of your eyes becomes blurry. Cataracts affect a large percentage of the elderly population. A cataract can develop in either one eye or both, and it cannot be transferred from one eye to the eye. However, the good thing is that a good ophthalmologist can cure it near you with the help of surgery. You would need the best eye surgeon near you so that the surgery goes smoothly without any side effects. Make sure you research well before finding the best ophthalmologist for yourself.
What are the types of cataracts?
Cataracts are divided into the following categories based on where and how they appear in the eye:
- Nuclear cataracts: These cataracts develop in the middle of the lens, turning the nucleus or core into yellow or brown.
- Congenital cataracts: These are cataracts that develop during the first year of a child or are present at birth. They are less prevalent than age-related cataracts.
- Secondary cataracts: Disease or drugs can cause secondary cataracts. Glaucoma and diabetes are two diseases that have been associated with the development of cataracts. The steroid prednisone and other drugs can also cause cataracts in some people.
- Traumatic cataracts: An injury can lead to traumatic cataracts, but this can take years.
- Radiation cataracts: This can occur after a cancer patient receives radiation treatment.
What are the symptoms of cataracts?
Cataracts cause the following signs and symptoms:
- A vision that is clouded, hazy, or dull.
- Night vision problems become worse.
- Light and glare sensitivity.
- For reading and other tasks, more light is required.
- Spotting “halos” around lights is a common occurrence, especially at night.
- Changes in spectacles or contact lens prescriptions regularly.
- Colour fading or discolouration can be one of the symptoms of a cataract.
- A double vision in one eye.
What causes cataracts?
The proteins that form up the eye's natural lens can clump up as we age. The cloudiness that is caused by these clusters is called a cataract. They may become larger and cover more of the lens over time, making it difficult to see. It is unknown why the eye lens changes with age, causing cataracts. Researchers from all over the world have discovered elements that may be linked to the development of cataracts. Cataracts can develop due to the following reasons:
- Sunlight and other sources of ultraviolet radiation.
- Diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and obesity can also cause cataracts.
- Smoking may sometimes result in cataracts too.
- Prolonged use of corticosteroid medicines.
- A previous inflammation or damage to the eyes.
- Previous ophthalmic surgery.
- Hormone replacement therapy.
- Cataracts can happen when alcohol usage is high.
When should you visit an ophthalmologist?
Consult an ophthalmologist if you are experiencing an increase in your eye’s sensitivity to light and don’t have other health conditions that could be the reason. Halos, bright rings that appear around a light source, are another common cataract symptom. Find the best ophthalmologist near you for the best treatment.
Request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Call 18605002244
What are the options to treat cataracts?
Surgery is needed once an eye surgeon identifies a cataract in your eyes through tests. During cataract surgery, the clouded lens is removed and replaced with a clear prosthetic lens. This intraocular lens is placed in the same spot as your real lens. It will always be a part of your eye.
Cataract surgery is usually performed as an outpatient method, so you won’t have to wait in the hospital afterwards. Your eye doctor will use a local anaesthetic to numb the skin around your eye during cataract surgery, but you will normally remain awake.
Although cataract surgery is normally safe, you should contact your ophthalmologist immediately if you develop an ocular infection. It is essential to find the best ophthalmologist near you.
A cataract is a faint spot in the eye lens that causes eyesight to deteriorate. Cataracts can harm either one or both eyes and develop gradually. Fading colours, hazy or double vision, halos surrounding light, difficulty with bright lights, and difficulty seeing at night are all possible symptoms.
Most cataracts develop due to ageing or injury that changes the tissue that makes up the eye’s lens.
Aside from cataract surgery, there is no method to cure or remove cataracts after they have formed.
Cataract surgery is a painless procedure. While patients are conscious during surgery, they experience little to no pain.