apollo spectra

Orthopaedics & Spine

Role of robotics in trauma and orthopaedics

September 4, 2020
Role of robotics in trauma and orthopaedics

The field of robotics is at a juncture where soon it will cause a majo...

Robo navigation technology- How Technology Is Transforming Orthopedics

September 4, 2020
Robo navigation technology- How Technology Is Transforming Orthopedics

Robotic Navigation is a highly advanced field that includes a robot to...

Labral Tear an Arthroscopy Might Be the Treatment You Need

August 30, 2020
Labral Tear an Arthroscopy Might Be the Treatment You Need

The labral team can change your life completely. You might not be able...

Is Your Diet Impacting Your Knee And Hip Health

August 22, 2020
Is Your Diet Impacting Your Knee And Hip Health

A healthy diet with all the nutrients can help you feel good on the in...

Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair

March 30, 2020
Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair

The surgery performed for repairing a torn tendon in the shoulder is k...

What is a Strain Injury?

March 7, 2020
What is a Strain Injury?

A strain is an injury to a muscle or a tendon, which are tissues conne...

How To Avoid Knee Pain And Delay Knee Replacement In Case Of Arthritis

December 26, 2019
How To Avoid Knee Pain And Delay Knee Replacement In Case Of Arthritis

If you have knee pain, exercising may be the last thing on your mind. And you're not alone &m...

Sciatica Pain: Who can be affected

September 5, 2019
Sciatica Pain: Who can be affected

Sciatica pain is caused along the sciatic nerve’s path, which br...

What Happens When You Delay a Joint Replacement

August 21, 2019
What Happens When You Delay a Joint Replacement

Joint replacement surgery is the procedure carried out to remove disea...

Understanding Ankle Fracture, When should you seek help from a Doctor?

May 21, 2019
Understanding Ankle Fracture, When should you seek help from a Doctor?

Ankle fractures Ankle fractures are the most common type of bone and joint injuries. ...

Osteoporosis Causes, Symptoms, Treatment & Diet

May 15, 2019
Osteoporosis Causes, Symptoms, Treatment & Diet

Osteoporosis is a condition that develops when the density of the bone decreases and the producti...


December 14, 2018

Shoulder Surgery Shoulder surgery imposes certain physical constraints on the patient...

What type of exercises to be done after spine surgery?

December 4, 2018

Physical rehabilitation is important after any kind of spine surgery. One of the biggest hurdles ...

Total Knee Replacement: Complications & Benefits

November 2, 2018

What is Total Knee Replacement? In a total knee replacement surgery,...

Partial vs Total Knee Replacement: Which one is right for you?

August 27, 2018
Partial vs Total Knee Replacement: Which one is right for you?

How it the knee replacement surgery carried out? Knee replacement su...

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