apollo spectra

Treat Varicose Without Surgery and Walk Home Without Hospital Stay!

February 17, 2016

Treat Varicose Without Surgery and Walk Home Without Hospital Stay!

Varicose Veins

Varicose veins have become one of the most common health problems nowadays. Blame on the sedentary urban lifestyles… says the varicose vein specialist at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, MRC Nagar.

“Predominantly seen in pregnant women, obese, old people and those whose job requires standing for long durations, conventionally it has been treated through surgery, which required hospitalization. Treatment procedures like Radio Frequency Ablation and laser treatment not only eliminated the need for surgery but also led to a range of benefits to people suffering from varicose veins”, says the Varicose Veins Specialist at Apollo Spectra Hospitals.

Apart from the cosmetic problems, varicose veins can pose serious medical problems. It may develop non-healing ulcers resulting in a compromised quality of life. “Though rare, it can be very dangerous if a blood clot slips into the deeper veins and enters the lungs or heart and it can cause sudden death”, warns the doctor from Apollo Spectra Hospitals. Find the symptoms of Varicose Veins.

In Endo-venous ablation, varicose veins are made to collapse using either Laser or Radio Frequency Ablation. Considered as an effective alternative for vein stripping, it leaves no scars on the legs and the pain is almost not there. And, today it is fast replacing the conventional methods of treatment for varicose veins. You can walk back home the same day and no hospitalization is required. More importantly, this procedure is safe for patients with conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, heart and kidney ailments. Endo-venous ablation is effective in helping the healing of varicose ulcers.

There is also a misconception that wearing stockings will relieve this issue. Actually one must attend to the underlying problem. This is a venous stasis related dermatitis that can be fixed only by treating the vascular supply. Either the Vascular surgeon or Phlebologist is the right specialist who can relieve you from the underlying causes of varicose veins completely. Going to Neurologists or Dermatologists for varicose veins is not the solution….

For any support required call 1860-500-2244 or mail us at [email protected].

Can we treat Varicose Veins without surgery?

More importantly, this procedure is safe for patients with conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, heart and kidney ailments. Endo-venous ablation is effective in helping the healing of varicose ulcers.

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