The Vaccine is Here!! Can We Now Finally Shed Our Fear?
December 28, 2021
As our duel with Corona spills over to 2021…we can now expect to bring in the new year with renewed sanguinity! Apollo Health & Lifestyle are bringing forth a huge promise of protection against the dreaded Covid-19.
There is no denying the fact that Novel Coronavirus unleashed total mayhem across the world which brought all our lives to a complete standstill. The virus has been traveling the globe unleashing havoc and it let nothing come in its way. Well, the good news is that now there is a promise of freedom from the obnoxious disease that has killed countless people and is still pretty much on the prowl even as we speak.
The Apollo Group of Hospitals and Clinics, have been caring for us for more than 37 years now. They took swift action to deal with the crises whilst keeping all the necessary guidelines in place. The team at Apollo Healthcare had set up COVID Care Centres within societies, organizations and neighbourhoods bringing effective ‘Home Care and Quarantine’ packages at our doorsteps whereas Apollo Diagnostic labs provided non-stop services, which included home testing and delivery of lab reports.
Over the last few months, Dialysis patients have been encouraged to continue their procedures twice a week, thanks to COVID-free Apollo Dialysis Clinics maintaining a near-zero infection transfer rate.
The Apollo Hospitals Group, which has always been at the forefront in pioneering initiatives in healthcare sector, has collaborated intensively with various prestigious Indian and foreign pharma companies who are developing vaccines, in order to ensure that the vaccine is available to the maximum number of people.
Soon the rollout of the vaccine will unveil a new era of safety and precaution for the first time after severely trying year!
So, what exactly can we expect?
The vaccine comprises of 2 doses. The gap between these 2 doses will be declared soon and will be as per the manufacturer guidelines. The vaccine, developed through the Apollo collaboration, will be available at all Apollo Hospitals and Healthcare facilities across India. Care has been taken for this to be administered by highly trained medical staff exclusively and it shall not be available over-the-counter. Depending on the age, health and individual constitution of a person, the vaccine will have mildly different impacts and efficacy may range from 70 to 96% depending on multiple factors.
According to experts, a vaccinated person will develop antibodies that will keep him/her safe from Corona for a year. Even if such a person is infected, their chances of becoming seriously ill will be minimal. A vaccinated person will also protect the people around, by not posing a risk. This is especially important in situations where there are high-risk family members - like the elderly, the unwell or pregnant women.
The price will be as per the government of India’s directives. Available for everyone across the board, this vaccine can be safely administered after consultation with your physician for high-risk individuals.
The safety profile of this vaccine has been tested in limited batches on willing volunteers and so far, the results have been optimistic, though further checks are still on. Since every individual reacts differently, the efficacy and side effects may vary mildly. These include: slight soreness or pain where vaccinated, mild fever, fatigue, headaches or mild flu-like symptoms etc, for approximately a week.
What about those who took a Flu-Vaccine?
The flu vaccine will not be effective against COVID. In case a person has taken a flu vaccine a few days ago, they should wait for at least a week before this one.
How safe is a vaccinated person?
Since this is yet to be determined, we know that it’s the first step towards reaching a safe zone. The vaccine definitely reduces a person’s chances of catching the virus. However, there is no recorded information about whether one can still get a mild or asymptomatic version of the same, after getting vaccinated. Hence, it is prescribed that people continue to follow social distancing standards, wearing masks and keep hygienic surroundings.
Usually, vaccines are designed for all and are tested in control groups. After thorough and extensive trials, they are launched for the general populace and can safely be administered to people in the specified age group. However, individuals who have severe allergies to certain components of the vaccine, might have to wait until their doctors give them a go-ahead.
Vulnerable groups like pregnant women for instance will require a prescription of their Gynaecologist and internal medicine specialist prior to getting vaccinated. Though overall, there is a ray of hope on the horizon after a bleak year for everyone across the planet, we can now expect a positive movement forward.
Aren’t we all looking for an exit route away from the egregious fears that have prevailed in the past twelve months? There is currently an opportunity and the trusted name of Apollo will spearhead a crusade against COVID-19, that our health will be in able hands.