August 30, 2020
Erectile dysfunction is defined as the inability to get and keep an erection firm enough for sex. It is not rare for a man to have some problems with erections sometimes, it becomes worrisome when this happens frequently. If it is occasional and temporary, there is no need to worry or visit a doctor. Sometimes other factors such as emotional disturbance or psychological tension can be a cause for Erectile Dysfunction. There can be multiple reasons for temporary problems such as heavy drinking, smoking, fatigue or even side effects of some medicine you might be taking. However, if the problem started slowly and is now getting worse, then it is definitely advisable to get medically assessed. Visit your doctor if-:
- You are concerned about your problem related to erections. Along with this, there can be other male sexual problems such as delayed ejaculation, premature ejaculation or absent ejaculation.
- You have serious health issues such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease or high blood pressure. These are some causes of Erectile Dysfunction and should be immediately checked out by a doctor.
- You have other symptoms along with erectile dysfunction such as maintaining the erection after getting it, a problem in ejaculating even after multiple tries or reduced interest in any kind of sexual activities.
It is best to consult your doctor if you have any of the above problems because Erectile Dysfunction can be treated if there are no underlying serious problems. The treatment is quite easy. Your doctor may give you a pill to take on a daily basis. Depending upon your case, your doctor may also suggest some injections, penile supplements and implants or a vacuum treatment which helps in increasing the blood flow in the penis.
Prepare what you need to discuss with your doctor beforehand. You should have the questions ready. The best way to go about this to write down everything you want to discuss with your doctor. You should write down the symptoms you are experiencing. You should also mention any medications you are on so that your doctor can correctly discover the cause of the problem.
When you visit your doctor be sure to ask the following questions:
- What is the cause of your Erectile Dysfunction?
- What kind of tests will be required to diagnose the problem and the cause?
- What is the best treatment available?
- How long is the treatment going to last?
- Is this going to affect your health in any way?
- What is the cost of the treatment?
- What kind of medicines will be prescribed?
Your doctor will start with a physical examination which will give him/her a fair idea of what the problem is. The doctor will then prescribe some blood tests. A sample of your blood will be analyzed to check for signs of diabetes, heart diseases and any other problems which might be the cause of Erectile Dysfunction. Ultrasound and urine tests might also be done to confirm the initial analysis. The most common used way by doctors is an overnight erection test which is performed by a specialist which helps in determining whether the blood flow to your penis is sufficient or not. A psychological exam may also be suggested by your doctor if he/she feels that the cause of your Erectile Dysfunction is psychological and not physical.