Prostate Enlargement
November 4, 2022
Prostate gland enlargement is a commonly found medical issue in older men. Prostate enlargement is often referred to as Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. The leading cause of Prostate enlargement is uncomfortable and abnormal urinary infections, mostly urine blockage. Prostate gland enlargement also leads to bladder and kidney problems.
Different treatments can cure prostate enlargement, encompassing medications, surgeries, and therapies. This article will examine the symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment for prostate enlargement.
What exactly is prostate enlargement?
Benign prostate enlargement is a commonly known medical condition involving prostate enlargement. The result of prostate enlargement is any discomfort while urinating. This medical condition can be spotted in men over 50 years old. People confuse prostate enlargement with cancer, but it's not. Prostate cancer is different from prostate enlargement.
Signs and symptoms of prostate enlargement:
The signs and symptoms of prostate enlargement are pretty evident. As we know, the prostate is a small gland near the pelvis, between the bladder and penis.
One of the main complications of prostate enlargement is putting pressure on the bladder and urethra, making it hard to urinate.
Symptoms of prostate enlargement:
Prostate enlargement includes various symptoms that can be noticed obviously. Some of them are:
- Frequent urge to urinate
- Difficulty in urinating
- Difficulty in completely emptying the bladder
Some symptoms are mild and do not require any treatment.
Causes of prostate enlargement:
The cause of prostate enlargement is still unknown precisely. But, it is said to be primarily because of hormonal changes while aging.
- Hormonal changes are when the man grows older, making the prostate gland also produce.
- Age is another factor or cause of prostate enlargement. Men who are above 50 years tend to suffer from prostate enlargement.
- Men with diabetes are also prone to prostate enlargement.
Diagnosis of Prostate Enlargement:
Prostate enlargement can be diagnosed in the initial stages itself. Consult a doctor if any symptoms are developing. A physical exam will be conducted for further follow-ups. The following are some of the commonly taken examinations are:
- Digital rectal exam:
The doctor inserts a finger in the patient's rectal region and sees if there is any enlargement in the prostate.
- Urine test:
A urine test is most commonly considered for any medical condition. After analyzing the urine sample, the doctor sees for any presence of infections.
- Blood test:
Blood tests are taken to see if there are problems in the kidney.
- Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood test:
This type of blood test is to see if any abnormal substances are produced from the patient's prostate. If there is an uncommon level of PSA, it results in prostate enlargement. The leading cause of the rise in PSA level is if there are any infections or surgery or any history of prostate cancers.
Some of the additional tests:
- Urinary flow test:
To test the patient's urine flow, the patient will be asked to urinate in a receptacle attached to a machine. Urine strength and the amount will be calculated.
- Postvoid residual volume test:
A postvoid residual volume helps to find if the bladder can be emptied entirely or not. A catheter will be inserted into the patient's bladder to see the amount of urine left undrained in the bladder.
Treatment for prostate enlargement:
Treating prostate enlargement is dependent on the severity of the symptoms. A person with mild symptoms may not necessarily need to visit a doctor for immediate treatment. After the doctor's appointment can update the patient for further follow-ups.
Lifestyle changes:
Some of the lifestyle changes to treat prostate enlargement are:
- Reducing intake of alcohol, caffeine, and any fizzy drinks
- Avoiding artificial sweeteners
- Regular exercising
Medicine to reduce the size of the prostate and relax the bladder and may be recommended to treat moderate to severe symptoms of an enlarged prostate.
Surgery is usually only recommended for moderate to severe symptoms that have not responded to medicine.
The doctor may recommend surgery if the prostate gland has increased in size to an unacceptable level. Surgery can be done through an open incision or through a laparoscopic incision (keyhole surgery).
A simple surgery called transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) is also effective in treating enlarged prostates. This procedure involves making an incision in the abdomen and removing part of the prostate gland. The surgeon will then use a tube inserted into the urethra and remove urine from inside the patient's body through this tube, which reduces discomfort and improves healing time post-surgery.
Radiation therapy uses high-energy X-rays to destroy cancer cells that may be present in the prostate gland; however, this treatment is only available at some medical centers and may not be covered by insurance plans due to its expense.
Complications of prostate enlargement:
If left unattended or unnoticed, prostate enlargement can cause some severe complications. Some of the commonly known complications are:
- UTI- Urinary Tract Infection
- Acute Urinary Retention (AUR)
AUR- Acute Urinary Retention is nothing but a medical condition where the person cannot pass urine voluntarily.
Some of the symptoms of AUR are:
- Not being able to urinate all of a sudden
- Severe lower tummy pain
- Swollen bladder
In conclusion, prostate enlargement is one of the severe medical conditions that need to be checked on by a doctor. Although prostate enlargement is common in older men, a proper diagnosis and treatment are mandatory.
The treatment of prostate gland enlargement is a complex process. It requires a multidisciplinary approach, including medical professionals and nutritionists. The first step is to determine the cause of the problem. An accurate diagnosis will help determine if surgery is an option or if other methods are more appropriate.
The next step is to determine whether surgery is necessary or if there are other options that might be more successful. For example, some men have been able to reduce their symptoms by taking supplements and exercising regularly.
In case of any problem, Apollo healthcare is here with its top notch physicians to provide proper guidance.
A number of different factors are responsible for prostate gland enlargement, including age, genetics, lifestyle choices, and medical conditions
Yes, prostate gland enlargement may contribute to male infertility. Therefore, treating it early is important.