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Back Pain Management

September 10, 2020

Back Pain Management

Easy relief from Back Pain (backache) Through Pain management

It can sometimes be difficult to determine the cause of back pain. However, you can still take certain actions to get some relief from your back pain or avoid it from worsening. When it comes to backache, pain management is all about reducing strain, relieving pressure, strengthening your muscles, and protecting your spine. With some changes to your daily routine, you can maintain a healthy back for a long time with no pain.

Sleep appropriately

When you are suffering from back pain, it can be hard to get sleep. When you don’t get decent sleep, your back pain is likely to get worse and this vicious cycle continues. Back pain can also be aggravated because of a poor sleeping position. Try laying on your side as sleeping on your back puts pressure on your spine. Placing a pillow between your knees can help relieve strain on your back as it helps maintain a neutral position of your spine. If you are sleeping on your back, make sure you do so with a pillow under your knees. With your legs elevated, the pressure on your back is relieved to a certain extent. Also, your mattress should be firm and comfortable.

Strengthen your back

It is well-known that exercise offers excellent health benefits. If possible, try to maintain a strength training workout routine regularly with a focus on your core muscles. This reduces the risk of injuries associated with the back, such as muscle spasms and strains. Try to incorporate abdominal and back strengthening exercises into your routine at least twice a week for developing a flexible and strong back

Take more vitamin D and calcium

If you have strong bones, you can avoid osteoporosis, which is a common cause of backache in elder people, specifically for women. Consuming vitamin D and calcium in plentiful amounts can help maintain the strength of the bones in your spine.

Food rich in vitamin D include:

  • Egg yolks
  • Fatty fish
  • Cheese

Food rich in calcium include

  • Yogurt
  • Milk
  • Vitamin supplements
  • Leafy greens

Before you take any supplements, make sure you consult your doctor first.

Wear the right shoes

Wearing low-heeled and comfortable shoes is recommended if you want to avoid back pain. Such shoes reduce the strain on your back when you are standing.

Maintain a good posture

Posture is one of the most crucial things people often overlook. Not only does it help you look better, but it also protects the intricate parts of the spine and helps them keep functioning and stay healthy. With a bad posture, there is stress and strain on your back, which can even change your spine’s architecture. Do not slouch, round your shoulders, or bend sideways while standing.

Good posture techniques should be practiced both while standing and sitting. Particularly, when you are sitting in an office chair for long hours, your posture can get compromised. When sure you have ample support for your back when you are sitting. Make sure your chair is of good quality and provides sufficient support to your lower back. When you sit, try to keep your knees a bit higher than your hips.

Move around

You should always try to maintain mobility. Avoid standing in one place or sitting in an inappropriate position. Move around to make sure there isn’t too much pressure on your spine.

Avoid smoking

The health risks of smoking are well-known. A smoker is more likely to experience backache than a non-smoker. This is because the flow of blood to the disks in the spine can get restricted because of nicotine. This causes the discs to dry out, rupture, or crack. Not just that, the amount of oxygen in the blood is reduced because of smoking as well, which means the tendons and muscles in the back don’t get sufficient nourishment. A weak and unhealthy back is more vulnerable to backache caused by accidental pulls and strains.

Reduce the load

Lifting heavy weights is known to commonly cause back pain, particularly if it is done improperly. Even carrying your bag, suitcase, or groceries can strain your back. Try to carry less weight and distribute the weight to each side.

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