Lose Weight, Not Hope!
February 10, 2016
Changing lives of many through Weight-loss surgery….
“At 24, my weight and career as an investment banker are on the upswing. My weight at 119 kgs is as colossal as my resume. I took all the available conventional weight loss/control methods such as exercise, diet, etc. But, nothing helped me. Even walking the short distance from the lift to the car has now become a painful task. So what should I do now?”……
If you are thinking this way, then you are not alone. There is thousands of people with excess body weight thinking about the safe, effective and long-term solution that will give them back the appearance that they used to boast about, and most importantly will reduce their risks for various health complications.
Obesity is not just a cosmetic issue; is a medical condition, where excess fat deposits around the body's critical organs. It often increases your risks for Type 2 Diabetes, Hypertension, High Cholesterol, Heart Diseases, Sleep Disorders, Joint Pains, Infertility to name a few.
In our Obesity Clinic, routinely we see people complaining about how unsuccessful in reducing weight through exercises or diet. While these options help reducing or controlling weight, people with BMI above 35 normally find these not very effective. For them, weight-loss surgery or bariatric surgery can offer the much-needed relief.
Bariatric surgery is safe, minimally invasive, very effective, and most importantly, one can lose up to 80% of their excess body fat. Depending on the excess weight and the person’s current health status, the surgeon recommends either reducing the stomach size or bypassing the digestive system to reduce appetite leading to lesser calorie intake. Many studies have shown that after this procedure, there has been a significant remission in diabetes, hypertension and cholesterol level also.
Find the causes of obesity disease here
Most people are concerned about weight gain after the procedure. To this the expert says - It is a possibility even in a person who has undergone bariatric surgery.
What is important is the commitment to maintain the lost weight post the procedure. Exercise, diet and an active lifestyle can help accelerate weight loss after the surgery and also help in keeping off the extra weight in the long-term.
For any support required to visit Apollo Spectra Hospitals. Or call 1860-500-2244 or mail us at [email protected].