Diet During First Pregnancy
August 23, 2019
Motherhood is a joy and a responsibility that one has to carry not just for those months but also afterwards. And if this is your first pregnancy, things can get pretty chaotic. Everything from your diet to your physical activity and overall lifestyle has to be monitored. Diet, for instance, is a crucial aspect, for the food you consume is not just for your nourishment but also for sustaining the baby.
Here are some simple and effective tips which would help you create the perfect diet plan for a happy and healthy pregnancy.
Get The Key Nutrients
Nutrients are an important part of the diet for everyone, more so for young pregnant women. Nutrients like vitamins, minerals like iron, folic acid, calcium, and proteins should be something you include in your daily meal. Folic acid is a good source of vitamin B and helps prevent birth defects in the baby’s brain, spinal cord, and nerves. Calcium is needed for strengthening the bones, iron aids blood flow and reduces fatigue in mothers. Protein-rich food like meat, poultry, and beans are a great source of strength and boosts immunity.
Nutrients you should probably avoid are magnesium, zinc, and food which is rich in carbs and calories.
Include Plenty Of Greens
Veggies and fruits are a great source of vitamins and hence a mandatory part of your daily meals. Includes plenty of fresh green vegetables like spinach, kale, cabbages, carrots, broccoli, etc. in your diet. Green vegetables are rich in antioxidants which will effectively flush away the toxins from your bloodstream. Carrots and beets are good for boosting eyesight, cleaning the blood and building immunity as well.
Fruits like apples, oranges, bananas, etc are rich in iron, good for building body strength and a great alternative for artificial sugar. Although ensure that you get your vegetables and fruits from organic markets and not big-scale retail stores as they usually contain adulterants and pesticides.
The Right Proteins And Grains
Grains like wheat, barley, and oatmeal are good carbs that your body needs to cope with the stress of carrying a baby. Grains are also rich in fiber and hence good for the digestive system. Most pregnant women often complain of constipation and good roughage in their diet might be really helpful. Try to include oatmeal, brown bread, brown rice, wheat, flour, barley and whole-wheat pasta in your diet.
You can even opt for lean proteins like skimmed milk, tofu, cheese, fish, poultry products, nuts, seeds, and eggs to facilitates the baby’s holistic development and maintain your strength.
Dairy Products
Most women become lactose intolerant when carrying a baby. Also, in some cases, expecting mothers are averse to the smell of dairy products like cheese, eggs, and milk, etc. So, we would recommend you consult your doctor and a nutritionist to check if these items are suitable for you or not. Women who face no such issues can consume up to 3-4 servings of dairy products per day. This includes milk, yogurt, and even dietary supplements. Most of these food options are rich in calcium, iron, protein and Vitamin D.
What Not To Eat
Now that you know what to eat, here’s a list of things you are absolutely not allowed to eat. Most of the items that we are going to list here might have already been covered by your doctor but there’s no harm in refreshing that list now is there. So below are some of the food items you are to avoid vehemently for a healthy and safe pregnancy term;
- Cut down on caffeine
- Avoid alcohol and cigarettes
- Don’t eat fish which has high levels of mercury
- Avoid raw unpasteurized milk and meat as it might contain bacteria which is harmful to you and the baby
- Also, uncooked raw eggs, sprouts, unpasteurized juice or cider is also a big no-no.
Additional Tips To Consider
Here are some additional tips that you should keep in mind when planning out your daily diet. These tips may vary fromfdiet pa person to person and hence be careful to get some professional advice before you implement these measures;
- Morning sickness might be the biggest problems you have to tackle, so ensure that you are getting enough nutrition
- Also, there might have been things you would absolutely crave for but are not allowed to have
- Ensure that you are properly hydrated, regulate your weight and be happy.