What are the factors you need to consider if there is a requirement for travel?
September 27, 2016
Whether you have had a biopsy tissue or a gastric balloon surgery or a gastroenterology surgery, on the whole, is meant to make you feel better and help you return to your usual life. However, sometimes it is very important that you do no travel, especially by aircraft. Travelling by aircraft, particularly, for long distances can be extremely dangerous. Thus, you will need to avoid travelling by aircraft for a certain number of hours after surgery. Here are some factors you should consider before you decide to travel.
- The type of surgery: Different types of surgery bring different challenges. This is one reason why airlines have a different number of times, where they disallow passengers to travel after various In most cases, cataract surgeries or colonoscopy patients are allowed to travel the next day after surgery. However, a simple mastectomy may take ten days before patients are allowed to travel again. A biopsy tissue or balloon gastric or gastroenterology surgery takes more than a day but less than ten days in most cases.
- Dehydration: Travelling by aircraft can cause people to get dehydrated very easily. This is because there is low humidity on aircraft. People who usually feel dehydrated on a flight should not travel, especially, if you can not go through the trip without drinking water. Therefore, it is crucial that you know how easily you get dehydrated and not travel on an aircraft.
- Deep vein thrombosis: There is a huge risk of deep vein thrombosis when you travel by This is because you are sitting in the same position for an extended period. This is the primary cause of deep vein thrombosis. This will be a problem for people who have gone through surgery as they may not be able to walk right after it. This can happen because surgeries, sometimes, are performed on the knee or other parts of the leg, making it extremely painful to walk. Therefore, it is crucial to know exactly how much you can walk and how much this will affect you as it may even lead to a pulmonary embolism, which is a more severe form of this disease.
- Obesity and Height: Obesity and height are other factors, which may mean that you are suffering from deep vein thrombosis. This means that if you are obese or very tall or very short, you really should not be travelling. Therefore, please do look at your anatomy before you travel.
- Family history: Your family history and genes can increase your risk of getting deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolisms as well. If your parents, siblings, or anyone else in your family has got deep vein thrombosis, then it is essential to get yourself checked, and if you so suffer from it, then it is best not to travel.
As mentioned earlier, travelling after surgery is dangerous. Therefore, it is vital to consider the health risks before travelling. Seeking the advice of a doctor or an expert is a must in such circumstances.