क्या बवासीर का इलाज बिना सर्जरी के किया जा सकता है?
September 13, 2023
It is certainly possible to treat hemorrhoids or hemorrhoids without the need for surgery. However, before you can explore alternative treatment options, you must first understand the condition. Treatment of the condition depends on what stage it is at.
Initial diagnosis and causes of piles
First of all, you must first make sure that you have piles. Due to the nature of the condition, piles are often confused with other conditions such as anal fistula and anal fissures. It is essential to seek expert medical opinion regarding your particular condition.
When you are examined by a doctor, the diagnosis is first confirmed through examination and history. After this, the doctor will try to understand the reasons behind piles. Surgery is not necessary for all piles.
Generally, piles are caused by low fiber intake as well as inadequate intake of water or fluids. Foods low in fiber, for example rice, result in straining and hardening of the stool. The wall of the anal canal can become damaged from the pressure and this can cause blood vessels to balloon.
Lifestyle changes to treat piles
Factors such as body weight and diet may play a role in increasing the risk of developing piles. This condition can be prevented and treated by maintaining a healthy weight and eating high-fiber foods.
Initially, your doctor may recommend some changes to your lifestyle that can help you control piles.
Body weight: Losing weight can reduce the incidence and severity of piles.
Diet: There is a good chance that piles are occurring due to pressure during bowel movements. Excessive straining usually causes constipation. Making changes to your diet can help maintain stool regularity and softness. For this, you need to include a high-fiber diet that includes adequate amounts of vegetables and fruits. In particular, you should try eating bran-based breakfast cereals. If you have hemorrhoids, your doctor may also advise you to drink more water. It is also advisable to avoid caffeine.
Apart from these, it is also advisable to avoid straining while passing stool and straining while exercising. Exercising can be therapeutic for conditions like hemorrhoids.
Home remedies to treat piles
Some home remedies can also help you get relief from mild pain, swelling and inflammation of piles. These include:
- Eating the right foods: In addition to fruits and vegetables, you should also eat whole grains. These foods increase the volume of stool and make it soft. This can help you avoid stress, which can worsen existing hemorrhoid symptoms. To avoid gas problems, include fiber in your diet gradually.
- Topical treatment: Hemorrhoid cream or suppositories containing hydrocortisone can be used. These creams are available without a prescription. You can also use pads that contain numbing agents or witch hazel.
- Warm bath: Soak your anal area in plain warm water for about 10-15 minutes. Do this twice a day.
- Pain relievers: You can use aspirin, acetaminophen, or ibuprofen to temporarily relieve discomfort.
- Such treatments can help you get rid of the symptoms of piles in a week. If you still don't find any relief, you should try seeing your doctor.
If your hemorrhoids cause only mild symptoms, your doctor may recommend over-the-counter medications. Pain relievers, creams, pads, and ointments can help relieve swelling and redness around the anal area. These medicines do not cure the condition but only help manage the symptoms. You should not use them for more than a week. Doing this can make the skin thin.