What are Hemorrhoid, their symptoms and treatment options?
May 30, 2019
Hemorrhoid Overview:
Hemorrhoid can be external or internal, depending on whether it is located inside the rectum or outside it. Flare-ups associated with hemorrhoids usually stop hurting within a couple of weeks without the need for treatment. Drinking sufficient diet and incorporating a high fiber diet promotes soft bowel movements that are more regular.
Hemorrhoids can worsen if there is straining during the bowel movements. A stool softener can be used for reducing the straining. Some topical ointments may be recommended by your doctor for easing the pain, swelling, and itching.
Symptoms of Hemorrhoid
Commonly, not much discomfort is caused by internal hemorrhoids. There might be painless bleeding after bowel movements. However, it becomes problematic if the bleeding prolapses or is too heavy. If you have hemorrhoid, seeing blood after bowel movements are quite common.
Even external hemorrhoids can bleed after a bowel movement. Due to the nature of their location, they might cause irritation, pain or itching.
Certain times, hemorrhoids can result in other complications. This is a common scenario when painful blood clots are developed inside the vessel. This condition is called thrombosed hemorrhoid. Such blood clots are generally not life-threatening, but they can cause severe and sharp pain. There are even chances of internal hemorrhoids to prolapse. This means the hemorrhoid bulges from anus and drops through the rectum.
Prolapsed or external hemorrhoids can get infected or irritated, resulting in the need for surgery. In particular, an incisive procedure is required for treating thrombosed hemorrhoids properly. The procedure can be performed by a doctor or surgeon in emergency rooms.
Types of surgery
There are different surgical options available for treating hemorrhoid, including:
- Rubber band ligation: This procedure is usually required when the hemorrhoid prolapses or is bleeding. With this process, a rubber band is placed around hemorrhoid’s base. As a result, the supply of blood to the hemorrhoid is restricted, thus causing it to fall off.
- Coagulation: This surgical option can be used for treating internal hemorrhoids that do not bleed and aren’t protruding. It involves the creation of scar tissue on hemorrhoids with the help of infrared light or electric current. When the blood supply is restricted, hemorrhoid falls off.
- Sclerotherapy: With this surgical procedure, the internal hemorrhoid is injected with a chemical solution. This solution numbs the nerve endings near the area, thus relieving pain. It also results in the formation of scar tissues and hemorrhoids.
- Hemorrhoidectomy: The hemorrhoid is removed with the help of this surgery. The patient is given local anesthesia or spinal block, after which the surgeon performs the medical procedure. The anus is opened by the surgeon and the hemorrhoid is cut out gently. Different surgical equipment may be used for making the cut, including lasers and surgical scissors.
After the hemorrhoid is removed, the wounds are sealed by the surgeon. The wound might even be left open if it is difficult to close because of its location or other health conditions.
- Hemorrhoid stapling: This is the procedure generally used for treating large or prolapsed internal hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoid stapling isn’t used for the treatment of external hemorrhoid. The surgical procedure is performed with the help of anesthesia. While performing the procedure, special devices are used by surgeons for stapling hemorrhoid into its proper position. As a result, the supply of blood is restricted to the hemorrhoids, causing them to slowly shrink in size.
In comparison to hemorrhoidectomy, hemorrhoid stapling is relatively less painful with the recovery time likely to be shorter. However, the chances of hemorrhoid recurrence are greater.
Drinking plenty of water is recommended to recover better. The time taken for recovery tends to vary depending on the surgical procedure used and the severity of the condition. If the surgical procedure used for treating hemorrhoid restricts the supply of blood, the recovery can take several days after hemorrhoid falls off. It can take a couple of weeks for completely healing the wound.
Following tips can help you recover for hemorrhoid surgeries:
- Consume a diet rich in fiber
- Avoid sitting for long durations
- Drink sufficient water
- Avoid straining during bowel movements
- Avoid heavy lifting
Depending on your condition, you may take one to three weeks to recover completely.