Tips For Normal Delivery
February 18, 2025
A normal delivery refers to childbirth, where the baby passes through the birth canal to come out of the mother’s womb without the help of forceps or vacuum extraction. Vaginal birth or normal birth is the most natural method of delivering a baby. Normal delivery has very minimal complications as compared to a cesarean section if there were no associated complications during pregnancy.
As compared to cesarean, post-delivery recovery in normal delivery is easier. The labor process in normal delivery begins with the contraction of the pregnant uterus. When proper dilation of the vagina has happened, the baby will move through the opening of the birth canal to emerge outside. This process might take hours before the baby finally arrives outside, which on average, can last up to 10 hours. Not all individuals are indicated for normal delivery because of various influencing factors. However, following certain tips for normal delivery can improve its chances.
Tips to Increase Chances of Normal Delivery
A normal delivery is not suitable for all females. To be able to deliver normally, there are certain needs that the female body would have to meet. This includes factors like weight, pregnancy-associated complications or conditions, the quantity of amniotic fluid, the position of the baby in the uterus, and the overall health of the mother.
The contractions required for a normal vaginal delivery are signaled by a hormone called oxytocin. However, not all bodies can produce any hormones equally or adequately. Below are some useful tips on how to prepare for normal delivery and improve overall health during pregnancy.
Good Night Sleep
Sleep patterns are usually very disrupted in pregnant women. However, lack of sleep increases the fatigue of the body. A proper sleeping pattern with adequate hours of sleep plays a key role in the hours spent on labor. Women who have had at least 7-9 hours of sleep had shorter hours of labor and easier delivery as compared to those who slept 4-5 hours.
Pregnant women should sleep on their sides, especially the left side as it is ideal for mother and child. Sleeping on the left side improves blood circulation to the placenta. Sleeping on the back increases the pressure on major blood vessels, which could result in preeclampsia, stillbirth, etc. Avoid spicy meals that could trigger heartburn and disrupt your sleep. If you find it hard to fall asleep, perform relaxing activities like reading, hearing soft music, etc, or taking a warm bath. Using a pregnancy pillow can offer better comfort for sleeping posture.
Reduce Stress
One of the important normal delivery tips for first-time mothers is to avoid stress at all costs. Maternal stress increases the chances of preterm birth and low birth weight. Minimizing stress and staying stress-free is considered one of the most effective ways to ease labor pain for a normal delivery. Lower stress guarantees better outcomes during labor and childbirth.
In order to avoid stress, avoid being in any situations that can cause negativity to your mind or make you uncomfortable. Stay closer to positive and kind individuals, who can provide you with a support system. Exercise, meditation, yoga etc can help to reduce stress.
Educate Yourself About Childbirth.
Another important one among normal delivery tips for first-time mothers is to avoid hearing delivery stories that make you scared of childbirth. Rather focus on educating yourself about safe birthing and prenatal practices. This also helps to create a positive attitude towards delivery and thereby reduces stress.
Healthy Eating Habit
A healthy diet and eating habits are a primary necessity in a pregnant woman for overall health and maintaining a healthy weight. The diet they follow should include sufficient fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins that can supply adequate carbohydrates, fats, and protein. The diet followed should provide adequate micronutrients and minerals that keep women energized during natural labor.
Since natural labor takes several hours and makes use of a lot of energy, the diet should meet the energy requirement. Following a special diet for normal delivery in the 9th month helps to improve the energy levels of the body and the chances of having a normal delivery. The diet followed in the 9th month should be food sources that are rich in fiber, iron, calcium, and healthy fats.
Proper hydration is important for a baby’s development and prevents pregnant women from becoming fatigued. Fatigue can cause a lack of energy sufficient for normal delivery. A minimum of 8-12 glasses of water should be consumed a day to avoid dehydration. Quitting caffeine and alcohol is advisable as they serve as diuretics, which causes increased urination. Avoid strenuous exercises, as it could lead to water loss through sweating.
Exercises and Prenatal Yoga
Prenatal yoga practices under the guidance of a yoga trainer can reduce stress. Not only does this reduce stress, but it also allows the body to have better flexibility. Exercises for normal delivery during pregnancy and yoga postures concentrate on core muscles like the back muscles and spinal cord, offering improved flexibility of the body for delivery. These postures also improve the body’s ability to stretch the back, contract and relax the pelvic muscles, and strengthen the pelvic bone. Additionally, exercise improves the body’s tolerance to pain during labor. Kegel exercises are best recommended during pregnancy.
Maintaining Body Weight
Maintaining a healthy body weight is an important tip for normal delivery. Being overweight, underweight, and obese reduces one's chances for normal delivery, as it puts the baby’s life at risk. Moreover, women who are obese or overweight tend to have longer hours of labor. Additionally, obesity can cause greater post-delivery complications like perineal tears, backache, and postpartum sepsis. Mother’s obesity can cause the baby to become obese in most cases. This further increases hours of labor as more dilation is needed. Adopting healthy food habits, exercise and proper hydration can ensure a healthy weight in the mother.
Breathing Techniques and Meditation
Mastering breathing techniques as tips for normal delivery has multiple benefits. Practicing breathing techniques and meditation regularly reduces maternal mental stress. Breathing techniques for normal delivery allow the woman to have more control over pain. It allows better blood circulation, thereby reducing pain and providing relation. It helps the mother to reduce energy loss and push better during delivery. Belly breathing, panting, and short breath holding are some good techniques to practice.
Following these tips For Normal Delivery benefits both the mother’s sleep pattern and the child’s overall development.
Get Expert Tips For a Normal Vaginal Deslivery
Adopting such tips for normal delivery and maintaining better lifestyle modification helps to increase the chance of a normal vaginal delivery. Above all, the overall health and associated conditions that the pregnant woman has takes a toll on the chances of having a normal vaginal delivery. Any complications in the pregnancy, which puts the life of a pregnant mother and child, would only be indicated for C-section to prevent negative events.
With several years of expertise, our panel of Obstetricians at Apollo Spectra is committed to providing the best prenatal and delivery experience with minimal to no complications. If you are an expecting couple, book your appointment today at the nearest Apollo Spectra for the best experience.