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Postpartum Slimdown: Healthy Diet and Exercise Tips for New Moms

January 8, 2024

Postpartum Slimdown: Healthy Diet and Exercise Tips for New Moms

Congratulations on the birth of your adored child! You are now starting a wonderful adventure as a new mother, one that is joyful and exciting. But it's crucial to remember that the postpartum time is equally significant to pregnancy. Your healing and general well-being depend heavily on postpartum care.

The most important thing to remember is to prioritize your physical wellness. Your body needs time to repair because it just underwent a major transformation. Postpartum sadness, tiredness, and mood fluctuations are common symptoms for new mothers. Moreover, you might be upset about the weight gain during the pregnancy but do not worry! An effective postpartum diet plan to lose weight can help you bring back your lost figure. This blog discusses everything you should know about postpartum weight gain. 

Understanding the postpartum weight gain or baby weight

Understanding that "baby weight" or postpartum weight gain is a common worry for many new mothers is essential. Numerous variables, including hormonal changes, increased caloric consumption during pregnancy, and decreased physical activity during the postpartum period, contribute to this weight gain. 

Gaining weight after giving birth is a normal element of the body's healing process. If you are worried about postpartum weight gain, here are some tips you can include in your routine:

  • Make a postpartum diet plan to lose weight with fibre, vitamins, and minerals. Crash diets and severe restrictions should be avoided because they might negatively influence breastfeeding and general health.
  • Speak with your doctor to find out when it's okay to start working out after giving birth. As your body heals, start with easy exercises like walking or postnatal yoga and gradually increase the intensity. 
  • Your general health and weight management depend on getting enough sleep and caring for yourself. Spend time engaging in enjoyable activities that help you relax because stress can interfere with your attempts to lose weight.
  • Surround yourself with a network of family, friends, and medical experts who can offer support and advice during your postpartum journey. 

Tips to lose baby weight

Maintaining a nutritious diet and including exercise in your routine will boost your body's healing and help you get back in shape you had before becoming pregnant. Here are some pointers to help you along with a postpartum diet plan to lose weight:

  • Make nutrition a priority by including lean meats, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables in a well-balanced diet. Choose nutrient-dense foods that give you the vigour and energy to care for your newborn.
  • Drink plenty of water to retain hydration. 
  • Your body requires enough calories during this postpartum period to create breast milk and repair, but overeating must be prevented.
  • Breastfeeding may help you lose weight after giving birth. Because your body uses stored fat to generate milk, when you breastfeed, you burn calories. The hormone oxytocin is also released while breastfeeding, aiding your uterus in shrinking and returning to its pre-pregnancy size. An effective postpartum diet and exercise plan while breastfeeding can assist in easily bringing you back in your 
  • Begin slowly and progressively increase the duration and intensity of your workouts as you get back into shape.
  • Pregnancy can weaken the muscles that support the spine, leading to diastasis recti (abdominal muscle separation). By including core-focused workouts like pelvic tilts and light abdominal contractions, you may help these muscles develop stronger and provide the groundwork for a firm and toned belly.

Postpartum diet guidelines for New moms 

Here are some effective postpartum diet plan tips to lose weight for new moms:

  1. Pay attention to foods that are high in nutrients. Eat a balanced diet of protein, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals. 
  2. Remain hydrated by consuming plenty of liquids, particularly water. Breastfeeding moms should drink more water to help the baby's milk grow.
  3. Protein is important for tissue repair and healing following childbirth. Include lean proteins in your meals, such as tofu, salmon, lentils, eggs, dairy products, lean meats and fish.
  4. Consume healthy fats like olive oil, nuts, seeds, and avocados. These fats are an important source of nutrition and aid in hormone regulation.
  5. A well-balanced postpartum diet plan to lose weight should have sufficient fibre to avoid constipation. 
  6. Give iron-rich foods a top priority. Postpartum women need to restock their iron levels after giving birth. Eat lean meats, leafy greens, beans, fortified cereals, and dried fruits to address the increased iron needs.
  7. One of the essential tips in the postpartum diet and exercise plan while breastfeeding is that new mothers should have enough calcium to strengthen their bone health and breast milk production. Include leafy greens, fortified plant-based milk, dairy products, and calcium-enriched items in your diet.
  8. Avoid processed foods and added sugars because they can cause recovery to be hampered and supply empty calories. 

Importance of physical activity in losing postpartum weight

A postpartum diet and exercise plan while breastfeeding is essential for shedding postpartum pounds and enhancing general well-being and well-being. Here are some advantages of postpartum exercise:

  • Exercise speeds up the body's metabolism, which is crucial for burning calories and losing the extra weight accumulated during pregnancy. 
  • Physical activity can help you lose weight by burning fat and calories. 
  • Regains lost muscular tone that occurs during pregnancy. 
  • Exercise increases the release of endorphins called feel-good hormones, which decrease the symptoms of postpartum depression. 
  • Exercise can improve cardiovascular health, especially aerobic exercise.
  • Exercise increases energy levels by enhancing the oxygenation of the body's tissues and organs. 

Exercise tips to include in your daily regime after birth

Exercise improves cardiovascular health, boosts metabolism, burns calories and fat, increases muscle tone, lowers the risk of postpartum depression, boosts energy levels, and sets a good example for the child. Here are some tips for postpartum diet and exercise plan while breastfeeding:

  • Begin with easy exercises: Your body needs time to heal and restore strength after giving birth. Start with mild workouts like postpartum yoga or walking. These activities can enhance mood, ease stiff muscles, and increase circulation.
  • Pelvic floor exercises: The muscles in the pelvic floor might become weak during pregnancy and childbirth. Kegels, also known as pelvic floor exercises, are a good way to tone and strengthen these muscles. The pelvic floor muscles should first be tightened briefly and then released. 
  • Abdominal workouts - Doing abdominal workouts is crucial to progressively improve your muscles after giving birth. Start with gentle exercises like resting on your back and clenching your stomach. Planks and other difficult exercises, like modified crunches, can be added as your strength grows. 
  • Incorporate cardio workouts: After receiving the all-clear from your physician, adding cardio activities to your regimen, such as brisk walking, swimming, or low-impact aerobics, can help you improve your cardiovascular fitness, burn calories, and boost your energy. 
  • Postpartum Yoga - There is a common belief that losing baby weight becomes difficult if you have delivered your baby through C-section. However, that's not true. With yoga, new moms can easily shed excess weight and come back in their shape. Here are some yoga asanas you can include in your postpartum exercise routine: 
  1. Chaturanga Dandasana (Plank Pose)
  2. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
  3. Tadasana (Mountain Pose)
  4. Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)
  5.  Ustrasana (Camel Pose)
  6. Naukasana/Navasana (Boat Pose)
  7.  Pranayama


The postpartum period is a time for healing, adjusting, and self-care. Put your own physical, emotional, and mental health first. Keep in mind that each woman's postpartum experience is different. After giving birth, you will gradually restore strength, stamina, and general fitness with consistency, patience, and self-care. And along with restoration, all the baby weight you have gained is temporary, and you can shed it off with an effective diet plan and exercise regime. 

If you need guidance to help curate an effective postpartum diet and exercise plan while breastfeeding to lose postpartum weight, Apollo Spectra experts can help. Visit our website and talk to our experts to create a tailored weight loss routine per your preference and requirements.

How much time does it take to lose postpartum weight?

It takes around six months to one year to lose the postpartum weight and return to your pre-pregnancy shape. Most of the baby's weight is lost within six weeks of delivery, and the rest of the weight can be lost by a postpartum diet and exercise plan while breastfeeding.

What food items to include in a postpartum diet plan to lose weight?

Here is a list of food items you can include in your postpartum diet plan to lose weight:  Whole foods, like fruits, vegetables, protein sources (eggs, chicken, fish, legumes, organic tofu, and dairy), and whole grains.  Healthy fats Foods rich in vitamin C, zinc, and selenium  Combination of food with fibre and proteins. 

Is yoga beneficial to lose postpartum weight, and can you start after a few days of giving birth?

Yes, yoga is beneficial to lose postpartum weight easily. It is one of the best ways to remain fit, healthy and strengthen your abdominal muscles. Experts recommend starting yoga after 8-10 weeks after delivery. 

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