What no one is telling you about Hospital Acquired Infections
February 18, 2017
Imagine this scenario: One of your loved ones is in the hospital, affected by a severe illness. You and your entire family are present and praying for them to get well at the earliest. But suddenly, things take a turn for the worse: The doctor informs you that the patient has contracted an infection, and their situation has now become more complicated. Is that really a situation you want to find yourself in?
What is Hospital Acquired Infections (HAIs)
As the name suggests, hospital-acquired infections, also known as nosocomial infections, are contracted by an individual during their stay in a hospital. While studies show that 1 in 10 people* admitted to a hospital will contract an HAI, chances are highest if the individual is admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU).
A patient can contract a hospital-acquired infection, caused by bacteria, fungus, and viruses, through direct contact with infected hospital personnel or other patients, or through contaminated machines, equipment, bed linens, or even air particles. Hospital-acquired infections can cause severe pneumonia and infections of the urinary tract, bloodstream and various other parts of the body, gastroenteritis, meningitis, and surgical site infections.
Your chances of getting a hospital-acquired infection increase if you are a senior citizen, have been using antibiotics for an extended period of time, have been fitted with an invasive device such as a catheter, have experienced shock or trauma, or have a compromised immune system. If the patient displays any symptoms such as fever, cough, nausea, diarrhoea, burning while urinating, or discharge from a wound, the doctor will immediately recommend antibiotics and bed rest, and will also encourage a healthy diet and adequate fluid intake.
While many people affected with hospital-acquired infections make a full recovery with treatment, studies show that they usually spend 2.5 times longer in the hospital, and hence it’s better to prevent HAIs rather than treating them.
How can you prevent Hospital Acquired Infections
With hospital-acquired infections becoming increasingly dangerous, hospitals must undertake hospital infection control by ensuring that neither their staff nor their equipment or surroundings infect their patients. Taking steps to prevent HAIs can decrease a patient’s risk of contracting them by over 70%.
Measures for hospital infection control include regular monitoring of patients, especially those in the ICU, following hand hygiene protocol, wearing gear such as masks, gowns, gloves, etc., cleaning surfaces properly and regularly using agents such as hydrogen peroxide and ultraviolet cleaning devices, keeping rooms well ventilated and moisture free and ensuring careful use of antibiotics
Why Apollo Spectra is a Smart Choice
Now that you’ve understood how dangerous hospital-acquired infections can be, you’re bound to want to avoid them, and hence, Apollo Spectra is the best and safest choice when it comes to elective minimally invasive surgeries.
A speciality hospital that provides a wide range of surgical procedures including bariatrics, gynaecology, urology, pain management, general and laparoscopic, Orthopaedics and spine, and plastic and cosmetic surgery, Apollo Spectra, backed by 30+ years of healthcare experience of the Apollo Group, provides you world-class infrastructure and latest technology. With a near-zero infection risk rate, Apollo Spectra follows international protocols to ensure that you recover at the earliest and without any unneeded complications.
*infection control - a problem for patient safety’ - Burke JP