LASIK: Vision Correction for a Clearer View of the World
March 13, 2024
Vision abnormalities are one of the most common issues, as around 75% of the entire adult population has vision issues, and 65% are dependent on spectacles or glasses for vision correction. Dependence on glasses for better vision has created a lack of confidence and an inferiority complex among a lot of people, which mainly includes the self-conscious thought of being less appreciable in appearance and having a defect or abnormality in vision as compared to others.
A very great therapeutic remedy for everybody with such issues is a treatment modality called LASIK. LASIK procedure helps to correct several vision-related abnormalities, thereby giving a chance to say goodbye to glasses. The term LASIK is an abbreviation for Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis. Also called as laser vision correction or laser eye surgery, it works by altering the shape of the cornea. This modality is a permanent soluwqtion for most of the refractive errors of the eyes. Not only does this surgery help to get rid of glasses, but it also provides several other benefits.
Vision problems for which LASIK is a better option
LASIK is a treatment method best suited for refractive errors of the eye. A refractive error, in a simple way, refers to the eye’s inability to refract or bend light properly. Few among the indications for which the LASIK procedure has shown effective results include the following:
- low, moderate, and high myopia (nearsightedness) without astigmatism
- low, moderate, and high myopia (nearsightedness) with astigmatism
- hyperopia ( farsightedness)
- mixed astigmatism
However, a suitable candidate for LASIK should be at least 21 years of age and have good general health. Apart from the refractive error, their eyes should be otherwise in a healthy state. They need to possess a certain minimum thickness of cornea.
How does the LASIK procedure work?
The LASIK procedure, as mentioned earlier, is used for the correction of refractive error in the eye. The procedure aims to reshape the cornea in such a way that it allows proper refraction of light on the retina that enters into the eyes.
Before carrying out the procedure, the overall eye health of the patient is checked. A corneal thickness evaluation and cornea surface evaluation are also performed. Before the procedure, local sedation or local anesthesia in the form of eye drops is administered to provide numbness to the eyes. It is done to avoid possible pain or discomfort during the procedure.
As we proceed to the surgery, a thin, hinged flap is made on the corneal surface using a microkeratome or a femtosecond laser. Upon lifting and gently folding this flap, the underlying cornea is exposed and explored for the procedure. Using an excimer laser, the cornea is reshaped to an adequate extent depending on the patient’s condition.
The reshaping is done based on what specific kind of refractive error the patient has. Altering the curvature and reshaping the cornea involves a subsequent removal of a precise amount of corneal tissue. After this, the folded flap is placed back properly. Since this flap is capable of self-adherence, it does not require any suturing. The reshaped cornea would be capable of precise refraction of light that enters the eyeball without causing any further deviation.
How do you prepare for the LASIK?
There are certain important factors to take care of while preparing oneself for LASIK treatment. These include:
- There should not be any change in the power prescription over the past year. The patient should have had stable power for their eyes in the past year.
- A corneal thickness evaluation is done to make sure that your eyes have an adequate thickness of cornea.
- A cornea surface mapping is done to rule out other probable corneal abnormalities.
However, if you are considering yourself to get LASIK done, make sure you take care of the following.
- Get consulted with an ophthalmologist to see if your condition is curable with LASIK. You should undergo a series of evaluations to check if your condition is approachable via LASIK. Make sure you discuss all your doubts and queries.
- If you are willing to do so, start preparing yourself by stopping the usage of contact lenses.
- Develop a habit of avoiding rubbing your eyes. There could be a minute of discomfort during the procedure, which can eventually die out.
- If you are currently under any medication for any ailments, do discuss the same with your consultant.
- Avoid using any other drops unless prescribed.
- Since LASIK is a minor surgery, patients are not given general anesthesia. LASIK is usually done as an OPD basic surgery under local anesthesia.
- If advised, perform fasting on the day of surgery to avoid complications.
What can you expect - before, during, and after?
- As the procedure can be done on an OPD surgery basis, the patient doesn’t require hospital admission unless otherwise necessary.
- Before the procedure, you might be advised to undergo a preoperative consultation.
- During this consultation, if you are found suitable for the surgery, further mapping and evaluation of your cornea may be performed. Carrying out these tests is crucial in determining the extent of removal of cornea tissues.
- Since the procedure is very minimally invasive, the patient might not require general anesthesia. Patients are usually given local anesthesia in the form of topical eye drops.
- The procedure of LASIK involves removing a small amount of your corneal tissue. As a result, there could be some discomfort once the effect of the local anesthetic goes off.
- The procedure is minimally invasive and easy to go.
- Post the surgery, avoid rubbing your eye and avoid exposure to sunlight, dust, and unwanted exposure to water.
- As there could be some blurring of eyes, avoid driving back home alone. Seek someone else’s help to drive for at least a few days.
- One or two follow-up consultations are expected after the procedure for evaluation, upon which the patient no longer needs to rely on glasses.
Benefits of LASIK
Being able to avoid spectacles completely is not the only benefit of LASIK. There are several other additional benefits of opting for LASIK, which include:
- It is a minimally invasive surgery that does not require general anesthesia.
- Since the procedure is performed using a laser, high precision in results can be expected. Better vision with quick and long-lasting results is a really rewarding benefit.
- There is no requirement for any further eyewear usage after the procedure or any suturing during the procedure.
- It is also a highly time-saving procedure and is customizable according to the condition.
- While compared to other procedures, this surgery provides a minimal amount of post-operative irritation as well.
- It has a very high success rate.
- Post-LASIK, people often have improved their quality of life, allowing them to perform activities that were hard to perform earlier.
Risks of LASIK
However, there are a few risks of LASIK that one needs to be aware of before the surgery. Although rare, the patients must be made aware of these risks:
- Chances of infection, inflammation, and dry eyes.
- Misplaced flap or flap complications
- Rare chances of visual disturbance and regression.
- Bulging of the cornea or corneal ectasia.
- Chances of change or loss of best-corrected vision.
Conditions that can increase the risk
However, individuals with certain conditions are not often recommended to undergo LASIK, as it has not given potential effectiveness and increased risk. They include:
- Uncontrolled diabetes.
- Previous history of chronic eye infections
- Extremely thin cornea
- Corneal scars
- Unstable refractive error
- Extremely large pupil size
- Autoimmune disorders or chronic ailments
- Pregnancy and nursing
- Extreme refractive error
- Conditions like advanced glaucoma and keratoconus, etc.
Wrapping Up,
LASIK is a great option for those wanting to avoid glasses and attain improved vision. However, it needs to be done under someone with great expertise as it can have some potential risk factors. Apart from these, LASIK is a great option to consider for individuals wishing to have a clearer and brighter vision. It provides a better arena for improved quality of life by helping you ace activities that earlier limited you due to visual disturbance or wearing glasses.
At Apollo Spectra Hospital, we strive to provide advanced healthcare aided by best-in-class diagnostic and therapeutic tools. With world-class infrastructure, technologically advanced aids, and a multidisciplinary panel of experts, schedule an appointment for a LASIK procedure to get rid of your spectacles and improve your vision.
LASIK is a very minimally invasive surgery involving zero blood loss. It is an easy-to-go surgery done on an OPD basis. The patients do not require hospital admission for the surgery.
The patient does not require general anesthesia. However, local anesthesia in the form of topical eye drops is given to avoid possible slight pain and irritation.
No. Only individuals with a minimum certain thickness and refractive errors of a certain extent are eligible for the surgery.