Home Remedies for Irregular Periods
January 15, 2025
A menstrual cycle varies from one individual to another and is usually counted from the first day of your period to the first day of the next cycle. The average menstrual cycle is supposed to last 28 days but may vary from person to person or month to month. However, your periods are considered irregular if your cycle is shorter than 21 days or longer than 35 days. Treatments for these menstruation issues usually depend on what’s causing the underlying issue. However, you can also try some home remedies for irregular periods and get your cycle back on track.
How to Know if You Have Irregular Periods?
Irregular periods refer to changes in the timing, flow, or symptoms of menstruation. These variations can result from hormonal imbalances, lifestyle factors, or health conditions. Based on the cause, you can have irregular periods in the following ways:
- Dysmenorrhea: The term dysmenorrhea is given to painful menstrual periods. It occurs because your uterus contracts to shed its lining, but the pain becomes unbearable at times.
- Amenorrhea: This condition shows no sign of bleeding during your periods, which is also a severe type of irregularity. Women suffering from amenorrhea usually experience the absence of a menstrual period for more than three cycles.
- Hypomenorrhea: It refers to the duration and flow of your periods that will be lighter than the usual ones. Hypomenorrhea is caused by various factors, like pregnancy, breastfeeding, PCOS, thyroid disorders, and puberty.
- Polymenorrhea: This condition usually happens after 21 days of your last period. Polymenorrhea may be the symptom of underlying health issues like hormonal imbalances, low body fat, obesity, stress, and depression.
- Oligomenorrhea: This period occurs too far apart, usually after 35 days or more. It often involves changes in menstrual flow that are normal at menarche, postpartum, or in the perimenopausal period.
What are the Reasons Behind Irregular Periods?
Several health conditions are associated with missed or irregular menstrual periods. You must learn more about these underlying conditions with proper diagnosis and consultation for better treatment options. On that note, the primary reasons behind irregular periods include:
- Endometriosis
Endometriosis occurs when the endometrial tissue grows outside the uterus. This tissue attaches itself to your ovaries or fallopian tubes, which may cause abnormal bleeding, cramps, or severe pain during and before your period.
- Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
PID refers to a bacterial infection that directly affects the female reproductive system. It’s caused by untreated sexually transmitted infections (STI) that lead bacteria to enter your vagina and spread to the uterus and upper genital tract. Symptoms of PID include heavy vaginal discharge with irregular periods, an unpleasant odor, and pelvic pain.
- Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
Your ovaries make large amounts of androgens, a type of hormone if you suffer from PCOS. This hormone delays or prevents ovulation, causing irregular periods. A few women with PCOS may stop menstruating completely.
- Primary Ovarian Insufficiency
This condition usually occurs in cisgender women under 40 years whose ovaries do not function as they should. This causes missed or irregular periods. The condition affects women during treatment for cancer with chemotherapy and radiation.
- Bleeding Disorders and Cancer
You may experience heavy menstrual bleeding if you develop a blood clotting disorder. Certain cancers like uterine and ovarian cancer can also affect your menstrual cycle. These changes include experiencing bleeding that is heavier than your usual or missed periods.
Also Read: Blood clots during periods
Tips for a Healthy Menstrual Cycle Naturally
You can try several natural remedies for irregular periods that help you retain your regular menstrual cycle. Such remedies can help provide temporary relief if you face additional complications like cramps or nausea. These include:
- Manage Your Weight
Women with large bodies usually face complications in getting regular periods due to obesity. Alternatively, women with thin bodies may also experience irregular menstrual cycles due to anaemic conditions. This is the primary reason why you must maintain your weight, irrespective of your body size.
- Avoid Processed Foods
If you are experiencing irregular periods, monitor your food intake. Processed or junk food contains toxic chemicals and does not contain the essential nutrients to keep you healthy. Consider consuming foods that naturally regulate periods, such as lentils, spinach, almonds, salmon, and sardines.
- Do Regular Exercises
There are several exercises to normalize menstrual cycles in women. One of them is yoga, which helps you ease stress with some effective poses. This prevents your body from experiencing hormonal imbalances due to mental pressure. Try doing some crunches, squat jumps, and spot jogs to keep your body fit. However, make sure to seek expert guidance to prevent physical strain or injuries.
- Consume Cinnamon
Cinnamon is one of the best herbal remedies for menstrual cycle regulation. The Indian spice is known to be an efficacious treatment option for women who experience PCOS. Cinnamon also helps reduce menstrual pain and bleeding. It assists you in preventing nausea and vomiting, which are often associated with primary dysmenorrhea (painful menstrual cramps).
- Avoid Caffeine and Alcohol
Caffeine and alcohol may prove to be harmful because they can interrupt your hormones. These hormones, in turn, react and affect your menstrual cycle. So, make sure to limit these substances in your diet to retain your regular period cycle and make your body healthy.
- Ensure Sufficient Vitamin Intake
Lower vitamin D levels often lead to irregular periods. So, make sure your vitamin intake is sufficient enough to regulate menstruation. You can consume dairy products and cereals which are known to be rich sources of vitamin D.
Alternatively, you can get this vitamin through proper exposure to the early morning sun. In certain cases, you may also seek assistance from a healthcare provider for vitamin D supplements.
- Have a Proper Sleep
Sleep is one of the best home treatments for period irregularity. Irregular sleep patterns or deprivation significantly impact your menstrual cycle. Staying up late until midnight or not getting enough sleep can affect a hormone in your body called melatonin.
This also impacts your ovulation process. So, make sure to get proper sleep regularly so that these irregular patterns do not impact your period cycle.
- Follow a Healthy Diet
An unhealthy eating habit is a primary cause of irregular periods. Fast food, processed food, and alcohol may cause hormonal imbalances in your body which affect your menstrual cycle. You should make sure to consume a balanced diet which includes green vegetables, dry fruits, fruits, red meat, and fish that give you complete nutrients regularly.
Get Expert Consultation with Apollo Spectra!
The home remedies discussed above can help you overcome the issue of period irregularity. However, it would be best if you seek expert consultation when the complications persist for a long time. These natural remedies for irregular periods are only for providing temporary relief and supporting menstrual health. Please note that they should not replace professional medical advice or treatment.
If you are seeking expert assistance for irregular periods, consider visiting Apollo Spectra now. Here, you can get customized treatments from some of the best doctors across the country. Visit the website to get more tips for healthy menstrual cycle naturally.