What is the essential recovery treatment for a minimally invasive heart surgery?
September 13, 2016
With the advancement in science and technology, surgeries are no longer confined to just general surgery procedures. Even most of the complicated surgeries these days can be performed without any hassle, thanks to the minimally invasive techniques such as a minimally invasive gastroenterology surgery that cures gastroenterology symptoms.
What is minimally invasive heart surgery?
A minimally invasive heart surgery is one in which surgery is performed by making small incisions on the right side of your chest, unlike in an open heart surgery. Under this method, the surgeon makes incisions between your ribs, without splitting your breastbone, resulting in lesser pain and a quicker recovery period. Unlike in open surgeries, the surgeon has a better view of some parts of your heart in a minimally invasive heart surgery. Just like an open surgery, a minimally invasive heart surgery also requires temporary stopping of your heart and diverting the flow of blood from it with the help of a heart-lung machine.
A minimally invasive heart surgery includes the following process, which is categorized on the basis of which part of your heart is being operated on:
- Aortic valve surgery
- Mitral valve surgery
- Heart valve surgery
- Atrioventricular canal defect surgery
- Atrial septal defect closure
- Maze heart surgery
- Tricuspid valve surgery
- Saphenous vein harvest for coronary bypass surgery
Who qualifies for a minimally invasive heart surgery?
If you suffer from a heart disease that cannot be cured by medicines and lifestyle changes alone, you qualify for a heart surgery. There are a number of ways to invade the heart for a surgery. Surgeons would usually try to make the smallest incision possible to provide a safe and successful surgery for you. The surgical team will examine and weigh the advantages and disadvantages of a minimally invasive surgery with that of a traditional surgery. Your surgeon would carefully analyze all the conditions and decide the best approach for you keeping in mind several factors such as your age, your lifestyle and medical history, the type and degree of the heart disease that you have and the test results obtained before the surgery.
Recovery treatment after the surgery
If you opt for a minimally invasive surgery, you will recover much earlier and face lesser complications than those who go for sternotomy (an open heart surgery). You will be allowed to resume your daily activities within a few weeks of your surgery. You’d also be suggested to walk as much as possible for a quick recovery after your surgery.
Besides that, post-surgery you are usually advised to take plenty of rest and good sleep when you return back home. You are also advised to follow a diet low in fat and cholesterol and rich in carbohydrates and fiber. Consult with your doctors regarding any periodic check-up that you may need to follow up. Although once discharged from the hospital, you do not usually require post-operative assistance.
Advantages of a minimally invasive heart surgery
Though a minimally invasive heart surgery may not be a suitable option for everyone, it carries a number of advantages over a traditional surgery if you opt for it. Such advantages include:
- Lower risks of infection
- Less blood loss
- Minimal, or less noticeable scars
- Reduced pain and trauma
- Faster recovery rate and return to regular activities
If you have just undergone a minimally invasive heart surgery, you would like to have a guideline of the lifestyle that you need to follow. For any more queries regarding a minimally invasive heart surgery or the recovery treatments followed thereafter, you should feel free to consult with your doctor anytime.
You can learn the pros and cons of minimally invasive surgery here.