apollo spectra

Circumcised Vs Uncircumcised

March 13, 2025

Circumcised Vs Uncircumcised

The human body is home to countless microorganisms. Similarly, the penis maintains its own unique microbiota, primarily located on the foreskin, which changes after circumcision. This change is linked to a notable decrease in the chances of various sexually transmitted infections. The process of circumcision involves excising the foreskin, thereby exposing the penis's tip, known as the glans. Historically in the US, about 64% of baby boys are circumcised for health, cultural, or religious reasons.

The primary distinction between a circumcised vs uncircumcised penis lies in whether or not there is a foreskin covering the penis head. Both can affect hygiene and overall health. Continue reading to discover more about the effects of circumcision on the penis's appearance and sexual performance and differentiate it from an uncircumcised penis.

Is it "Bad" to be Circumcised or Uncircumcised?

When it comes to the topic of male circumcision, people frequently have strong opinions. Some individuals believe an uncut penis is unattractive and believe that there are various health risks of being uncircumcised. However, some people believe that circumcision will make the penis less sexually effective or view the practice as outdated and even barbaric.

These presumptions are not always accurate. Discussing circumcision benefits and risks and why both might be reasonable choices may become even more challenging as a result of the heated debate.

How Circumcision Is Done? 

Circumcision is usually done in a hospital. However, babies may have this procedure done in a non-medical setting for cultural or religious reasons. A newborn's circumcision is a quick process. But, for an adult, the procedure is quite more complex. The duration may range from 30 minutes to an hour. Let’s take a look at how circumcision for adults vs newborns differ from each other:

  1. To help you relax, an anesthesiologist will give you medicine. You might be given a more localized anaesthetic or general anaesthesia, depending on your preferences.
  2. The foreskin will first be moved away from the penis head and then placed onto the shaft throughout the process. They will measure the precise amount of skin that needs to be removed.
  3. The doctor will then cut the skin using a scalpel. (A doctor uses scissors or a specialized tool to cut the skin away from the penis during neonatal circumcision.)
  4. In the case of adults, the skin will either be cauterized or reattached to the shaft using dissolvable sutures. After placing the stitches and the application of a protective dressing to the penis, you will be brought into a recovery room.

Adults may require more time to heal, but it usually takes about a week. 

Effects of Being Circumcised vs. Uncircumcised

Male circumcision, according to some, may have detrimental effects on the penis' sensitivity and sexual function, and the risks are greater than any evident benefits. However, in order to determine whether being circumcised vs uncircumcised is the best course of action for you or your child, there are a few things to consider.

Does It Affect Penis Size?

  • Uncircumcised (Uncut): When your penis is flaccid, a foreskin might make it appear slightly bulkier. Your penis will appear larger while it is erect because the foreskin retracts and nearly disappears during an erection.
  • Circumcised (Cut): Your genes mostly determine the size of your penis. These determine your penis's physical or external appearance.

Take Note: The size of the penis is also determined by blood flow to the penile tissues. Removing the foreskin, a layer of skin tissue has no effect on the size of your penis when it is erect or on other penile tissues. However, when it's flaccid, it might have a little less "bulk."

Also Read: Circumcision cost in Delhi

Does It Affect the Overall Appearance of The Penis?

  • Uncut: When you're not erect, the foreskin of an uncut penis covers the head (glans) of the penis like a hood. The majority of the penis head is invisible. The foreskin pulls back to reveal the glans while you're erect. Typically, the foreskin appears wrapped.
  • Cut: The foreskin is not present in a cut penis. This means that whether you're erect or not, the glans are always visible. The area of skin where the foreskin had been removed may have a slightly different texture. The skin around your body may seem tougher and thicker. Skin nearer the glans may be thinner and more delicate.

Does It Affect Sexual Sensitivity?

  • Uncut: According to a 2016 study, the area of the penis most responsive to touch stimulation was the foreskin in uncut penises. The study makes it clear, however, that being cut or uncut has no effect on the degree of pleasure you have from having sex.
  • Cut: Men with cut penises self-reported higher "orgasm difficulties," according to a 2011 study. However, this claim is questioned, “does circumcision affect performance?” in a 2012 reaction to the study.

The Real Fact: The 2011 study, the authors note, found no connection between sexual satisfaction and circumcision. They also pointed out a number of variables that might have affected the study's findings.

Does It Affect Your Hygienic Approach?

  • UncutUncircumcised hygiene tips are necessary for an uncut penis. Smegma can develop as a result of oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria if you don't clean behind your foreskin on a regular basis. Smegma can cause glans and inflammation of the foreskin (balanitis) in addition to making your penis smell. Pulling your foreskin back may become impossible or very difficult as a result. If this occurs, it is known as phimosis. If treatment is not received, phimosis and balanitis may both need medical attention.

Please take note: These instructions are solely for adults. The foreskin may be hard to retract before puberty fully. Even for cleaning purposes, it should never be retracted by force.

  • Cut: Additional hygiene is not necessary for a cut penis. Just be sure to wash it frequently while taking a bath. But without the foreskin, your penile skin can be more susceptible to become dry, irritated, or chafed. Avoid tight pants and wear loose-fitting underwear to help prevent this.

Does It Affect Lubrication?

  • Uncut: The penis is naturally lubricated by the foreskin. However, there is no clear evidence that having cut will result in the need for additional lubrication to achieve the same level of sexual satisfaction as uncut individuals.
  • Cut: If you're cut, you might occasionally require more lubricant when it's required, as during anal intercourse. There is no evidence that the foreskin's natural lubrication makes a difference in penis health or sexual pleasure.

Does It Impact Overall Fertility Or Sperm Production?

  • Uncut: Your fertility is not directly impacted by being uncut. Sperm production takes place in the testicles rather than the penis. Your fertility is considerably more influenced by your food, lifestyle, and general health.
  • Cut: Being cut practically eliminates the possibility of phimosis and balanitis. Both infections and inflammation may result from them. However, there is no proof that fertility is impacted by circumcision.

Does It Affect Your Risk Of Infection?

Uncut: There is substantial evidence that being uncut raises your risk of getting a UTI, primarily during the first year of life. Additionally, smegma accumulation can raise the risk of infections that cause balanitis and phimosis. Following proper uncircumcised hygienic tips may help in avoiding these infections.

Cut: Some sexually transmitted illnesses (STIs), such as genital herpes, may be less likely to affect males with circumcision. Additionally, their risk of acquiring HIV from female partners is reduced by 50 to 60 percent. There is no similar evidence to support or contradict this decreased risk in males who have sex with men.

The Bottom Line

Being cut or uncut does not have a significant impact on your risk for most conditions, so the procedure cannot be universally recommended. It has no effect on your general sexual well-being. The main difference between circumcised vs uncircumcised is that, in order to lower your risk of infection and other diseases, you will need to wash behind your foreskin on a frequent basis if you are uncut. 

However, if you face any problems related to infection or fertility, contact our doctors at Apollo Spectra. Our expert doctors will help you throughout the process of effective treatment with excellent care. Contact us today to book an appointment.

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