apollo spectra

ACL Reconstruction

July 5, 2024

ACL Reconstruction

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Get Back in the Game with Expert ACL Reconstruction at Apollo Spectra!

Overview of ACL Reconstruction

The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is an essential stabilizing structure for the knee joint. It connects the thigh bone (femur) to the shin bone (tibia) and prevents the tibia from sliding forward. ACL injuries are common in athletes playing sports such as football, basketball, and skiing. These injuries may be caused by sudden stops, jumps, or changes in direction.

A sports medicine physician or an orthopedic surgeon recommends appropriate treatment for these injuries. ACL reconstruction surgery is usually recommended for young individuals. This procedure replaces the damaged ligament with a tissue graft to restore the knee's stability and proper function.

How Do You Know If You Need ACL Surgery?

Not all individuals with ACL injuries require surgery. However, you may need ACL reconstruction in the following conditions:

  • You have a complete ACL tear or a severe partial tear,
  • You experience persistent knee instability or giving way during activities,
  • You are a young, active individual or an athlete who wants to return to high-demand sports,
  • You have sustained additional injuries to the knee, such as meniscus tears or cartilage damage,
  • You have failed non-surgical treatment options like physical therapy and bracing.
Types of ACL Surgery

There are two main types of ACL reconstruction surgery:

  1. Autograft: This is the most common type of ACL graft. The replacement tissue is taken from another part of your own body, such as the patellar tendon, quadriceps tendon, or hamstring tendon. Autografts are the most common choice for young, active patients as they have a lower risk of rejection and provide good long-term results.
  2. Allograft: The replacement tissue comes from a deceased donor.Allografts are preferred for older patients, those with low activity levels, or those undergoing revision surgery. Compared to autografts, they have a slightly higher risk of infection and graft failure.

Your surgeon will discuss the pros and cons of each graft type and help you choose the best option based on your age, activity level, and other factors.

How Soon Should You Get ACL Surgery?

The timing of ACL reconstruction surgery depends on many different factors:

  • The severity of your injury and associated damage to other knee structures,
  • The extent of pain and swelling in the knee,
  • Your ability to proper movement and muscle strength,
  • Personal factors, like work or school commitments.

 In general, it is best to wait until the acute inflammation and swelling subside, which may take a few weeks. During this time, you can work on regaining knee range of motion and strength through physical therapy.

However, delaying surgery for too long can lead to further damage to the knee cartilage and meniscus. Most surgeons recommend undergoing ACL reconstruction within a few months of the injury to minimize the risk of long-term complications.

How Does ACL Reconstruction Surgery Work?

ACL reconstruction surgery is typically an outpatient procedure performed under general anesthesia. The main steps of the procedure are:

  1. Graft Preparation: Firstly, the surgeon harvests the tissue graft from your body (autograft) or prepares the donor tissue (allograft).
  2. Arthroscopy: Then, he makes small incisions around the knee, and an arthroscope (a thin camera) is inserted to visualize the joint.
  3. Tunnel Creation: The surgeon drills tunnels in the thigh and shin bones to place the graft.
  4. Graft Placement: The graft is then threaded through the tunnels and secured with screws or buttons.
  5. Closure: The incisions are closed with sutures or tape, and a dressing is applied.

The surgery usually takes 1-2 hours, and you can go home the same day. You'll need to follow a specific rehabilitation protocol to regain knee strength, range of motion, and function gradually.

Cost of the Surgery

In India, the cost of ACL reconstruction surgery differs based on factors such as:

  • Type of graft (autograft or allograft)
  • Surgical technique (arthroscopic or open)
  • Hospital and location
  • Surgeon's experience and fees
  • Pre- and post-operative care

The average cost of ACL reconstruction surgery in India can range from Rs. 45,000 to Rs. 2,50,000. This can include the cost of the surgical procedure, hospital stay, medications, and initial rehabilitation. However, the actual cost can be higher or lower depending on the case and chosen healthcare center.

At Apollo Spectra, our experienced orthopedic surgeons specialize in ACL reconstruction surgery and personalized care. With state-of-the-art facilities and a multidisciplinary approach, we help you get back to the activities you love as quickly and safely as possible. If you have suffered an ACL injury, don't wait - schedule a consultation with our experts today and take the first step towards recovery.

Is ACL reconstruction surgery painful?

You will be under anesthesia during the surgery so that you won't feel any pain. You may experience some pain and swelling after the surgery, but this can be managed with medications and ice therapy. The pain usually subsides within a few days to weeks.

How long does it take to recover from ACL reconstruction surgery?

The recovery time for ACL reconstruction surgery varies, but most people can return to light activities within a few weeks and sports within 6-12 months. Your surgeon and physical therapist will guide you through the rehabilitation process.

Will you need physical therapy after ACL reconstruction surgery?

Yes, physical therapy is an essential part of the recovery process. It helps you regain strength, flexibility, and function in your knee. You can typically start the physical therapy within a few days after surgery and continue for several months until you are fully satisfied with your recovery.

Can I prevent ACL tears in the future?

While no prevention strategy is foolproof, you can reduce your risk of ACL tears by: Maintaining good leg strength and flexibility, Using proper techniques when jumping and landing, Wearing appropriate footwear for your sport, Participating in neuromuscular training programs that focus on balance and agility.

What are the potential complications of ACL reconstruction surgery?

Similar to all the other surgeries, ACL reconstruction also carries some risks. You may or may not experience the following consequences: Infection Bleeding or blood clots Nerve or vessel damage Graft failure or reinjury Knee stiffness or weakness Persistent pain or instability In this case, your surgeon can help you better understand these risks and take measures to minimize them.

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