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28 signs of nutritional deficiencies in your body

November 11, 2022

28 signs of nutritional deficiencies in your body

Wondering why your nails look like spoons or if some white lines appear on your nail bed? These are signs of nutrient deficiency. There are many more such signs that we all tend to ignore in our daily lives. What do they mean? Let us discuss these signs, and how they relate to nutrient deficiencies and vitamin deficiency treatment.

Nutrients are essential for health

Nutrients play an important role in maintaining homeostasis in the body. Each nutrient has a unique function, deficiency of which may lead to certain warning signs at first leading to long-term diseases. 

Nutritional deficiencies cause 

  • Muscle weakness

  • Loss of mobility

  • Inflammation

  • The decline in cognitive function and memory

  • A general state of fatigue and poor digestion

Diet in today's era lacks all the nutrients necessary for good health. Some individuals may also adopt a specific diet like a vegan diet, keto diet etc., that may cause nutritional deficiencies since they focus on a particular component.

28 signs your body is deficient in vital nutrients

What happens when you are vitamin deficient? Every nutrient has a unique sign or symptom that signals its deficiency in one's body and diet. Some of these signs and symptoms include:

  1. Dry scaly skin

Nutrient deficiency: Zinc and essential fatty acids 

Corrective measure: Dry skin can be managed with multivitamin tablets for zinc supplementation. One can include Omega-3 food sources for fatty acids in their diet.

  1. Petechiae on the skin

Nutrient deficiency: Vitamin C and Vitamin K

Corrective measure: Vitamin C supplements help fight skin infections and nutritional deficiencies. Line and citrus fruits like oranges can help with additional supplementation.

  1. Photosensitive dermatitis

Nutrient deficiency: Niacin

Corrective measure: One should include fish, meat, poultry, whole grains, bread and cereals to reduce niacin deficiency. Multivitamin supplements may be prescribed by doctors.

  1. Poor wound healing

Nutrient deficiency: Zinc and Vitamin C

Corrective measure: Include lime and oranges for Vitamin C in your diet. Multivitamin tablets and powders help supplement zinc to improve wound healing.

  1. Spooned nails

Nutrient deficiency: Iron

Corrective measure: Include beans, legumes, meat, green leafy vegetables like broccoli and spinach and pumpkin seeds in the diet. Eat Vitamin C-rich foods for greater absorption of Iron in the body.

  1. White lines on nails

Nutrient deficiency: Albumin

Corrective measure: Stop consuming alcohol and avoid smoking. Eat wholesome fresh vegetables and grains.

  1. Hair thinning

Nutrient deficiency: Protein

Corrective measure: Take a lot of eggs, meat and fish along with protein supplements.

  1. Night blindness

Nutrient deficiency: Vitamin A and Zinc

Corrective measure: Carrots help provide Vitamin A while zinc supplements can help improve the symptoms of night blindness.

  1. Bleeding gums

Nutrient deficiency: Vitamin C and Riboflavin

Corrective measure: Vitamin C supplements are begun to correct deficiencies and stop bleeding through the gums.

  1. Neck swelling/bulging

Nutrient deficiency: Thyroid enlargement due to Iodine deficiency

Corrective measure: Dietary sources of iodine are the only ways an Iodine deficiency can be corrected. One can begin by consuming yoghurt, fish, eggs and table salt.

  1. Diarrhoea

Nutrient deficiency: Niacin, Folate and Vitamin B12

Corrective measure: Vitamin B12 can be supplemented in the diet through dairy products, fish, meat and eggs. Include bread and cereals for niacin and folate deficiency.

  1. Joint pain

Nutrient deficiency: Vitamin C

Corrective measure: Avoid alcohol and cigarettes. Cut down on daily tea consumption. Have foods rich in Vitamin C like citrus fruits and lime. Dietary supplements have a major role in the management of joint pain.

  1. Bone tenderness

Nutrient deficiency: Vitamin D

Corrective measure: Consume foods rich in Vitamin D like egg yolks, fatty fish like trout, salmon and mackerel and cod liver oil. Increase your sun exposure, particularly at sunrise. Perform mild to moderate exercises. Doctors may also prescribe Vitamin D supplements for severe deficiency.

  1. Muscle tenderness

Nutrient deficiency: Thiamine

Corrective measure: Muscle function can be improved with thiamine-rich ingredients like yoghurt, sunflower seeds, whole wheat bread, black beans and white rice.

  1. Pins and needles sensation in limbs

Nutrient deficiency: Thiamine and Vitamin B12

Corrective measure: One must eat eggs, and consume more dairy products, meat and fish to supplement Vitamin B12 in their diet. 

  1. Loss of memory(Dementia)

Nutrient deficiency: Vitamin B12 and Niacin

Corrective measure: Foods rich in Vitamin B12 and niacin can help to correct Nutritional deficiency. For example, eat lots of meat, poultry, eggs, cereals and whole grains.

  1. Loss of balance(Ataxia)

Nutrient deficiency: Vitamin B12

Corrective measure: Eat eggs, poultry and meat for a wholesome supply of Vitamin B12 in your food.

  1. Swelling around ankles, feet and hands

Nutrient deficiency: Protein

Corrective measure: One should include fish, meat and eggs for a wholesome supply of proteins. Keep the limbs elevated to reduce swelling around the limbs.

  1. Premature whitening of hair

Nutrient deficiency: Selenium

Corrective measure: Selenium-rich foods include bread, rice and beans. Selenium supplements are available in multivitamin tablets or as a unique supplement called Selenite.

  1. Drying and clouding in the cornea of the eye

Nutrient deficiency: Vitamin A

Corrective measure: Vitamin A is available as beta carotene in foods like carrots, sweet potato, fish oil and dark green leafy vegetables. Multivitamin supplements may be prescribed by doctors in severe cases.

  1. Skin rashes

Nutrient deficiency: Zinc and essential fatty acids

Corrective measure: Skin rashes can be managed with multivitamin tablets for zinc deficiency. One can include Omega-3 food sources for fatty acids in their diet.

  1. Swelling in the abdominal area

Nutrient deficiency: Hepatomegaly due to protein deficiency

Corrective measure: Fish, meat, eggs, dairy products and legumes will help in correcting protein deficiency along with protein supplements like protein powders.

  1. Excessive hair loss

Nutrient deficiency: Iron

Corrective measure: Iron can be supplemented through iron-rich foods like dates, green leafy vegetables, beans and legumes. Iron supplements in the form of syrups and tablets are also available.

  1. Fatigue and lack of enthusiasm

Nutrient deficiency: Vitamin D

Corrective measure: Undue fatigue may cause absenteeism at work and make one prone to illness. Start with having a Vitamin D-balanced diet that includes fatty fish, cod liver oil and egg yolks. Progress to performing some form of exercises like yoga, walking and free weight exercises. Exercises can be done in the morning sun for vitamin D.

  1. Burning sensation around the corners of the mouth

Nutrient deficiency: Folate, Thiamine and Vitamin B6

Corrective measure: Include white rice and black beans for thiamine. Folate tablets and injections are given.

  1. Cracks around the corners of the mouth

Nutrient deficiency: Iron and Riboflavin

Corrective measure: Dietary sources of iron and riboflavin help to smoothen the cracks around the mouth.

  1. Swollen tongue

Nutrient deficiency: Iron, Riboflavin, Niacin, Vitamin B12

Corrective measure: Include foods rich in riboflavin, niacin and Vitamin B12 to reduce tongue swelling like Vegetables, meat, eggs and dairy products.

  1. Migraine, muscle cramps and palpitations

Nutrient deficiency: Magnesium

Corrective measure: Magnesium can be supplemented in the diet through the consumption of oats, nuts, dark chocolate and vegetables. Drugs must be avoided.

In conclusion, it is advisable to not ignore any signs and symptoms relating to nutrient deficiencies. Consult a doctor to get your vitamin levels checked. Consume lots of fruits, vegetables, eggs, cereals and meat for a balanced diet.

What are the 5 most nutritious foods?

Superfoods, known for containing the most types of nutrients and being the most nutritious foods, should be consumed for healthy living. These include berries, leafy vegetables, fish, olive oil, nuts, yogurt, whole grains and cruciferous vegetables.

What are the 7 nutrients needed for a balanced diet?

7 essential nutrients for a balanced diet include vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fats, proteins, fiber and water.  

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