apollo spectra

10 signs you need a septoplasty

August 12, 2022

10 signs you need a septoplasty

What is septoplasty?

The term, 'septoplasty', refers to a procedure related to surgery that will help straighten the septum. Generally, the septum refers to the space present between the two nostrils. Sometimes, the septum can get crooked, and one faces many issues related to it. A crooked septum is known as a deviated septum. This increases sinus risk with poor drainage.

During septoplasty, the septum will get repositioned in the middle of the nose. Due to this, your surgeon will have to remove some parts from the nasal septum. When the surgery and other treatments get completed, it becomes easy for you to breathe.

Why do you need septoplasty?

Here are some common reasons:

  1. After septoplasty, it becomes easy for you to breathe.
  1. With septoplasty surgery, the nasal septum becomes straight and will get back to its position.
  1. The surgery allows for the replacing and trimming of the bone.

What are the signs that indicate that you need septoplasty?

Note these signs and symptoms:

1. Difficulty in breathing

The foremost sign is difficulty in breathing. Hence, you need to breathe through the mouth.

2. Nose bleeding

When you suffer from a deviated septum, it becomes difficult to breathe. At the same time, it will also cause a problem with the passage of air from the nose. And at the end will become a reason for nose bleeding.

3. Sinus infection

It becomes difficult to breathe when your nose gets blocked. Due to this, it becomes a major problem in the sinuses. Further, this will become one of the reasons behind sinus infection. So, when you suffer from such a problem, you have to see the doctor. And if you do not go for timely treatment, you can have allergies.

4. Headaches

You will also suffer from headaches and will get tired. The headache problem will build pressure in the sinuses.

5. Disturbance in sleep

A deviated septum will disturb your sleep and will lead to loud snoring. In other words, you can get sleep apnoea.

6. Nasal obstruction

A nasal obstruction will make it difficult for you to breathe. Allergies, colds, and infections are the common things that will cause nasal obstruction.

7. Septum hole

If you find a septum hole, you also have to consult a doctor. It will result in nose bleeding, nose block, and trouble with breathing.

8. Smell disruption

You will also face some difficulty in recognizing the smell of food. This loss of smell is a sign of a deviated septum.

9. Nose shape

When you see a little change in the nose shape, you can also feel that you suffer from a serious problem. And for it, you have to contact a doctor immediately.

10. Numbness

When you cannot feel things right, then you suffer from numbness. Mostly, it will occur on one side of the nose.


In this post, we have discussed the signs that show that you need septoplasty surgery. Ensure that you get this treatment on time. A deviated septum can affect the quality of your life.

Request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals. Call 18605002244

What are the symptoms of a deviated septum?

Nose bleeding, change in the shape of the nose, breathing problems, and headaches are the general symptoms.

How can one prepare for septoplasty?

Before undergoing septoplasty, discuss your medical history with your doctor and take the prescribed tests.

What are the medications after a septoplasty?

After undergoing the surgery, watch your food intake. You have to take proper medications prescribed by your doctor. And you have to follow a good diet.

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