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Apollo Gastric Balloon vs. Traditional Weight Loss Methods: Which Is Right for You?

June 16, 2023

Apollo Gastric Balloon vs. Traditional Weight Loss Methods: Which Is Right for You?

Are you considering of trying weight-loss surgeries, like gastric sleeve and gastric bypassHowever, life after the procedure can be packed with surprises. More and more people have been turning to innovative weight loss approaches.

Apollo gastric balloon is a safe and effective alternative to traditional weight loss methods, this approach offers an affordable way to reduce your weight while remaining non-invasive. Read to learn how Apollo Gastric Balloon treatment is better for weight loss.

How Can an Apollo Gastric Balloon Revolutionize the Weight Loss Journey?

Apollo gastric balloon treatment is an effective and easy procedure for managing obesity. It helps individuals shed some kilos by restricting or limiting food intake; the stomach can hold in. Unlike the traditional methods, Apollo gastric balloons must be swallowed, which will partially cover the space in your stomach while inflating it with saline water.

Effectiveness & Result Comparison

While following traditional weight loss methods, there will be a time when you will be stuck with the same weight. It means you have reached the weight-loss plateau. However, the Apollo gastric balloon helps individuals lose around 10-20% of their total body weight within 16 weeks with the device.

Traditional weight loss methods, at certain times, will not help you reach the desired weight loss results. On the other hand, the primary goal of Apollo gastric balloon treatment Is to achieve steady yet dramatic weight loss results and help you follow a healthy and active lifestyle. With wholesome lifestyle practices, you can easily build long-term habits that can benefit your health and aesthetics for the years to come.

Lifestyle Changes and Long-Term Sustainability

After implanting the Apollo gastric balloon, the specialist will monitor you in the doctor's office for at least two hours. Before leaving the premises, you will be provided with post-operative guidelines, including the type of foods that should and should not be consumed.

After three weeks of the procedure, you can switch from liquid to solid foods. Ensure you eat slowly, chew well, and have 4/5 small meals daily. Avoid high calories foods and alcohol since they will hinder your weight loss goals.

Eligibility for Apollo Gastric Balloon Treatment

The Apollo gastric balloon treatment is suitable for those

  • Who have BMI between 27 and 40
  • Who can commit to six months’ treatment period
  • Who haven’t undergone any other weight loss surgeries

It is not suitable if you:

  • Are unwilling to follow the post-operative and lifestyle program.
  • Had prior surgery like esophageal or bariatric procedures.
  • Are following certain medication plans, including anti-inflammatory or anticoagulant drugs.
  • Are you pregnant or planning for pregnancy or breastfeeding?

Pros and Cons of Apollo Gastric Balloon Treatment

Benefits of Apollo Gastric Balloon

Apollo gastric balloon treatment is a secure and simple weight loss method that has gained traction over the past few years. Let’s explore some of the pros of the procedure.

  • No surgery involved – Gastric balloon is a non-invasive weight loss treatment that does not require anesthesia or surgery. It can be performed during outpatient visits within the doctor’s office.
  • Quick and easy – Unlike traditional weight loss methods, Apollo gastric balloon treatment involves the simple swallowing of a capsule and then inflating it with saline solution to fit snugly inside the stomach. It is designed to remain in place for 16 weeks.
  • No risk or complications – Apollo gastric balloon will show fewer side effects like discomfort when compared with traditional methods. Within a few hours, you can return to your normal lifestyle practices.

Barriers to Apollo Gastric Balloon

Besides the endless benefits, Apollo gastric balloon also comes with a set of cons. Here are some of them

  • After the procedure of the Apollo gastric balloon, people might experience fewer side effects like nausea, vomiting, cramping, constipation, or bloating.
  • Gastric balloon helps you lose significant weight with no guarantee to keep it off in the long term. You must follow similarly limited diet portions and regular exercise patterns to maintain the results.

Wrapping Up!

Apollo Gastric Balloon Treatment gives you the power to lose weight by limiting your calorie intake. Our specialist will guide you in every step of the process, from the implantation of balloons to providing export-supported lifestyle programs, enabling you to accomplish optimal weight loss results. Contact our experts today and learn if you are eligible for this game-changer weight loss approach!

Is the Apollo gastric balloon a painful treatment?

No, Apollo gastric balloon treatment is a pain-free procedure. Undergoing Apollo gastric balloons can be mildly uncomfortable for people when the swallowed capsule is inflated as a balloon and filled with saline water.

Can you eat normal foods after Apollo's gastric treatment?

Shortly after the Apollo gastric procedure, you shouldn’t consume normal textured, solid foods as they will cause vomiting or nausea. You will be advised to sip water, and if you can tolerate it without any side effects, you can move forward with fluid foods like milk and soups for at least three days.

Is the Apollo Gastric Balloon permanent or temporary?

Apollo gastric balloon treatment is not a weight loss surgery, requiring no incision. Even though it is not a permanent procedure, the lifestyle modification and weight loss results obtained from this non-surgical weight loss treatment can be maintained in the long term. It will help you improve obesity-related ailments like heart disease, joint problems, and diabetes.

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