Dr. Vijay Gupta
Experience | : | 16 Years |
Speciality | : | Paediatrics and Neonatology | Location | : | Gwalior-Vikas Nagar |
Timings | : | Mon - Sat : 5:00 PM to 07:00 PM |
Dr. Vijay Gupta
Experience | : | 16 Years |
Speciality | : | Paediatrics and Neonatology | Location | : | Gwalior, Vikas Nagar |
Timings | : | Mon - Sat : 5:00 PM to 07:00 PM |

Assistant Professor, Christian Medical College Vellore, Tamil Nadu Associate Professor, Maulana Azad medical College, New Delhi Associate Professor, Super Speciality Hospital GR Medical College, Gwalior PGIMER and associated Dr Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, New Delhi"
- Comprehensive Neonatal Care
- Neonatal Ventilation
- Neonatal Nutrition
- The Tamil Nadu Dr MGR Medical University Topper Medal for merit in DM Neonatology for year 2015
- DR. T. Rajagopal Gold Medal for research paper " at South Zone Conference of IAP, Vellore 2015
- Sri G. N. TONDON GOLD Medal (Pathology)
- DR. G. C. DUBEY GOLD MEDAL (Pathology)
- DR. J. N. POHAWALA GOLD MEDAL for research paper at M.P Pedineocon-2006.
- National Neonatal Forum
- Indian Academy of Pediatrics
- Indian Medical Association
- Neonatal Ventilation
- Neonatal Resuscitation
- Nutrition
- Care of Premature newborns
- Sitaram Bhartiya Institute Of Science And Research, New Delhi (6/7/07- 26/10/07)
- Pgimer And Associated Dr Ram Manohar, Lohia Hospital, New Delhi (14/12/07 - 12/3/07)
- Santosh Medical College And Hospitals, Ghaziabad, Up (4/4/11 - 18/10/11)
- Christian Medical College, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, (26/10/2011 - 21/6/2016)
- Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi (14/7/2016 - 8/10/2018)
- Superspeciality Hospital Gr Medical College, Gwalior (9/10/2018 - 10/6/2021)
- Gupta Vijay and Gupta V K. Apparent hypocortisolism in an infant with prolonged hyperinsulinism, Indian J Pediatr 2010: 77:321-322
- Gupta Vijay and Kohli A. Celiac disease associated with Recurrent GuillainBarre Syndrome” Indian Pediatr 2010:47:797-798
- Gupta V, Kohli A, Dewan V. Dyggve–Melchior–Clausen syndrome, Indian pediatr 2010; 47: 973-975
- Gupta V, Gupta P, Yadav TP. Transfusion related acute lung injurywith intravenous immunoglobulin, Indian Pediatr. 2011 Oct;48(10):807–8.
- Gupta V, Yadav TP, Yadav A. Phenytoin toxicity presenting as acute meningo encephalitis in children. Neurology India. 2011;59; 55-56
- Gupta V, Yadav TP, Pandey RM, Singh A, Gupta M, Kanaujiya P, etal. Risk factors of dengue shock syndrome in children. J Trop Pediatr. 2011Dec;57(6):451–6.
- Yadav A, Yadav TP and Gupta V. Juvenile Systemic Sclerosis. Journal of Indian academy of clinical medicine. 2011; 12: 128-33
- V Gupta and TP Yadav . ‘Starry sky’-appearing neurocysticercosis in paediatric HIV infection. Journal of Indian academy of clinical medicine 2012; 13: 316-18
- Gupta V, Priyadarshi A, N Mehra N, TP Yadav TP and Dewan V “Salmonella typhi causing hip arthritis with dislocation. Journal of Indian academy of clinical medicine JIACM 2014; 15: 141-2
- V Gupta, NV Mahendri, P Tete and Sridhar Santhanam. Skimmed Milk Preparation in Management of Congenital Chylothorax. Indian Pediatr 2014;51: 146-148
- Kumar N, Gupta V and N Thomas. Brownie-nose: hyperpigmentation in Neonatal Chikungunya. Indian Pediatr 2014; 51;419
- Gupta V, Kumar M, Tete PI, Thomas N. Simple procedure-serious problems:story of a misplaced nasogastric tube. Indian J Pediatr. 2014 Sep;81(9):976–7.
- Vijay Gupta, Susan Mary Zachariah and Niranjan Thomas.""Illuminating""- Early Diagnosis of Intestinal Perforation in a Neonate. Indian Pediatr 2013;50: 897
- Gupta V, Kumar N, Jana AK, Thomas N. A modified technique for umbilical arterial catheterization. Indian Pediatr. 2014 Aug;51(8):672.
- Thomas N, Gupta V. High risk newborn. In Gupta P, PSN Menon, Ramji S,Lodha R editors In PG text book of paediatrics. 1sted. New delhi 2015
- Kuruvilla AK, Gupta V. Cyanosis in newborn. In Gupta P, PSN Menon ,Ramji S, Lodha R editors In PG text book of paediatrics. 1sted. New Delhi 2015
- Gupta V, Job V, Thomas N. Effect of fortification and additives on breast milk osmolality. Indian Pediatr. 2016, 53:167-169
- Gupta V, Sridhar S. Bacteriological profile and antibiogram in neonatal sepsis from a neonatal unit in south India (July – August 2015 Volume - 5 Number - 4) in Medej (link.http://medej.tnmgrmu.ac.in/ArticleViewer.aspx?id=4092)
- Abiramalatha T, Thomas N, Gupta V, Viswanathan A, McGuire W. High versus standard volumes of enteral feeds for preterm or low birth weight infants. In: Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews [Internet]. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd; 2016 [cited 2017 Jul 28]. Available from: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/14651858.CD012413/abstract
- Mathew G, Gupta V, Santhanam S, Rebekah G. Postnatal Weight Gain Patterns in Preterm Very-Low-Birth-Weight Infants Born in a Tertiary Care Center in South India. J Trop Pediatr. 2017 Jun 3;
- Abiramalatha T, Thomas N, Gupta V, Viswanathan A, McGuire W. High versus standard volumes of enteral feeds for preterm or low birth weight infants. In: Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews [Internet]. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd; 2017 [cited 2017 Jul 28]. Available from: Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2017 Sep 12;9:CD012413
- Vanlalhruaii, Dasgupta R, Ramachandran R, Mathews JE, Regi A, Thomas N, Gupta V, Visalakshi P, Asha HS, Paul T, Thomas N.How safe is metformin when initiated in early pregnancy? A retrospective 5-year study of pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus from India.Diabetes Res ClinPract. 2018 Mar;137:47-55.
- Mathew G, Gupta V, Santhanam S, Rebekah G.Posnatal weight Gain Patterns in PretermVery-Low-Birth-Weight Infants Born in a Tertiary Care Center in South India.J Trop Pediatr. 2018 Apr 1;64(2):126-131.
- Vijay Gupta. Electrolytes and electrocardiographic changes in Protein energy Malnutrition. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH. 2018 May
- Prabha Gupta, Vijay Gupta. Ocular Morbidties in Pediatric Outpatient Population at A Tertiary Care Ophthalmic Centre: A Descriptive Study. International journal of contemporary Pediatrics 2018
- Vijay Gupta, AG Shingwekar. Comparison of Electrolyte and Electrocardiographic changes in patients with Protein energy malnutrition at admission and after 2 weeks of nutritional rehabilitation therapy: A prospective study. Indian Journal of child health. 2018
- Thomas N, Gupta V. High risk newborn. In Gupta P, PSN Menon, Ramji S, Lodha R editors In PG text book of paediatrics. 2nded. New Delhi 2018
- Kuruvilla AK, Gupta V. Cyanosis in newborn. In Gupta P, PSN Menon ,Ramji S, Lodha R editors In PG text book of paediatrics. 2sted. New Delhi 2018
- Jain N, Gupta V, Mathur NB, Kumar A, Khurana N, Sarin YK. Enterogenous Cyst Presenting as Mediastinal Mass in a Newborn. J Indian Assoc Pediatr Surg. 2019 Jan-Mar;24(1):72-74
- Gupta V, Rebekah G, Sudhakar Y, Santhanam S, Kumar M, Thomas N. A randomized controlled trial comparing the effect of fortification of human milk with an infant formula powder versus unfortified human milk on the growth of preterm very low birth weight infants. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2018 Nov 28:1-171
- Gupta V Reply.. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2019 Mar 8:1
- Gupta Vijay. Oxygen therapy in Neonates. In NB Mathur editor Essential Neonatology 2nd edition New Delhi 2020; page 310—319.
- Gupta Vijay and Satvik Bansal. Infant of diabetic mother. In editor Ashish Jain,IAP textbook of Neonatology 1st edition New Delhi 2021 (under Print)"

Mr. Lokesh
Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Koramangala.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where does Dr. Vijay Gupta practice?
Dr. Vijay Gupta practices at Apollo Spectra Hospital, Gwalior-Vikas Nagar
How can I take Dr. Vijay Gupta appointment?
You can take Dr. Vijay Gupta appointment by calling 1-860-500-2244 or by visiting website or walk-in to hospital.
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Patients visit Dr. Vijay Gupta for Paediatrics and Neonatology & more...
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